I bought a 1981 GS1000GL. Then got my license and most of the gear. Had to charge the battery to get the bike to start. He had charged it before I came to take a look at it as well as before delivery a week later. I took it for a ride and it was super fun and working good. Came up to a stop (I believe in 1st gear by the time of the stop) and then the engine just dies...this was about 30 minutes into the ride.
Cannot restart.....nothing from the starter at all...no clicking.....nothing. So I assume it is the regulator/rectifier. I started going through the wires with a multimeter following a clymer and the stator pages for reference....everything seemed to check out. So I performed the ground enhancement (taking the ground from the rectifier housing and running that directly to the negative terminal.
Now....I did not replace the battery when I bought the bike 2 months ago. He said it's been sitting for a long while.....he charged it and it ran......I charged it and it ran......but it appears it does hold some form of charge.
Now yesterday I took the bike out after charging (multimeter shows 12.46 on the battery). Rode for like 20 minutes and noticed the rpm's lowering on stops/idle towards the end of the ride. Made it home and in 1st.....it died. I was able to immediately restart though using the starter. When I went to check the voltage.....I believe it was very near 12v (wife remembers 12.19)
Is this a battery issue? Should I get a new one? What kind? Can I have it tested professionally? I bought a harbor freight tester and it said middle of the road for the battery health. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Thanks everyone.