THen one evening got worse real quick, like bike still pulling forward when clutch pulled in.
Okay, okay, I should have known that is clutch cable failing.
So proceed with the clutch cable replacement
Yep, the cable was failing fast. THat round/cylindrical thing on end of cable not rotating in the lever. Havent lubed that in a long time.
Huh, existing cable has some collar around that round/cylinderical thing.
Hum, my replacement cable doesnt. (And Apparently isnt OEM like I remembered.) (I have had this spare for years, dont recall what specific brand, and it doesnt say. I probably got from Dennis Kirk, years and years ago.)
While replacing the cable I had some difficulty, and thought maybe I don't have the proper cable, or this aftermarket cable is deficient or something.
I take a quick look at some part supplyers and they all say NLA.
After a while, I realize that didnt have the cable sheath seated down all the way inside the adjuster at the clutch end. Dooaah.
I get the replacement cable installed (yes, with some grease on round/cylindrical thing in lever). ANd I think I routed it the same as was existing.
ANd oh, man, the lever pull is terrible hard.
So I take it partailly back off. Get some gear lube down it (maybe not enough). And reinstall being concerned about any tight bends. Were it comes up between the carbs and go straight up into frame takes a turn along the frame seemed like the only tight turn, so I round that out by going up and then a slighter turn going more forward toward the ignition coil then in between the frame. Clutch pull is a bit easier, but still lot more than it was, is difficult.
But, yah, took care of the other shifting problems.
Any comments on OEM clutch cable not available, and what supplier might be good these days???
Any comment on the hard clutch pull with this new cable installed???
>>>Later note: Two years ago I did replace friction plates and springs. Springs not Heavy Duty, but did say 10percent stronger than stock. Clutch pull was a bit harder after than, but not terrible. Now is terrible.