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Tach/speedo Q&A

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    Tach/speedo Q&A

    So tonight with the help of my lovely and ever patient assistant, I got the gauges in my 750B apart sucessfully and without breaking the bezzles. Used Eds trick on peeling the edge of the bezzles back with a screw driver but then added my own little helpfull bit. Instead of having to run around the circumfrence two or three times, we just got it started with one pass around and then used flat nosed pliers to bend the bezzle out nice and even and straight and out they came. I think this trick works well because it puts no side loading on the bezzle itself and there's less risk of cracking the glass with a slip on the screwdriver. Plus it took about half the time to do it this way tan the one I did all the way with a flathead.

    Anyway on to my question: I managed to get both drives unstuck and then oiled them with 3-1 oil. Nice and smooth. But when I went to put the needles back on I notices that they both didn't want to return to zero. I had to futz around with them, moving them to different positions, winding them back etc before I could get them to stop where they were supposed to. I then used a drill to assure they seemed to function propperly. But later after I assembled the cluster and took the 750 out for a spin, the darn things are all screwed up.
    The speedo climbs slowly, reading about 10 or so MPH at 30 ish and then doesn't come back down. The tach read fine at idle but it too is slow (though only abouth half as slow) and takes it's sweet time zeroing out. What's the deal? Anyone have a suggestion? I don't mind pulling them apart again as I only bent a couple spots back on the bezzles for this very reason. Heh

    These the quages that did the landscape excavation?

    (just bumping this up to the top for you)

    Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
    GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl


      Originally posted by Redman View Post
      These the quages that did the landscape excavation?

      (just bumping this up to the top for you)

      No. These are the gauges from the 750B that have been sitting for who knows how long.


        If they seemed to work correctly with the drill, perhaps it's something to do with the cable or the drive unit on the front wheel ??
        Larry D
        1980 GS450S
        1981 GS450S
        2003 Heritage Softtail



          I'll take a guess at it. These gauges use magnets spinning in a bell housing to turn the watchspring assembly which connects to the indicator needle. Could it be that the magnets are worn out or are not close enough to the bell housing to influence its motion? Is the indicator needle shaft sticking as it passes through the gauge face? Is the watchspring too worn or corroded?

          Thank you for your indulgence,


