First you have to split your speedo - either pry open the ring at the top with a screwdriver or cut the body in half (and glue back together later).
Here's an old 550 one. I pinched the trip meter off it years ago - don't remove yours as they are a fiddle to get back in easily.

Note the 19193 mileometer reading - it had done a lot more than that in real life (I actually took the photos 'the wrong way round' and it's after zeroing).
Using your thumbnail - not a screwdriver or you'll break the teeth - move the digit ring that you want to turn to the right. It will move very slightly, enough to free it off; if you have good eyesight you'll be able to see the teeth. With your thumbnail acting as a wedge spin that ring up through the numbers - it will only go one way easily. If you want to set that ring to a lower digit go through zero and keep spinning. Not a great photo but you get the idea:

The rings have a habit of moving when you don't want them to so the best way I've found is to set the tens of thousands ring first, then the thousands, then the hundreds and so on whilst steadying the rings you have already set with a finger.
I promise the zero miles speedo below won't be on Ebay selling as NOS for a $ million.
