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Suzuki GSX 750 E 1982, need help with handlebars and master cylinder

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    Suzuki GSX 750 E 1982, need help with handlebars and master cylinder

    Hello. First of all my name is Tommy and my location is norway, Im also new to this forum by the way, it`s a greate forum

    This is my bike. Suzuki GSX 750 E or EZ here in norway (I think this is right) 1982 mod.

    it is a cupple of things I need to know. 1: this handlebars, is this the right one for this bike ?

    the reason for me asking is the front master cylinder, if you look at the angle of it. Someone told me that the cylinder must be in a trait line in front of you so that the brake fluid level read correct and the brake`s works correct.
    is this true? Do I need to change the handlebars ?

    Last edited by Guest; 08-19-2010, 01:47 AM. Reason: forgot to add the pic`s :)

    Greetings and Salutations!!

    Hi Mr. GSXTommy,

    I keep the front master cylinder level only when I'm checking the level or filling it. I don't worry once the cover is put back on. It does not have to be exactly level all the time, just somewhat close.

    I also stopped by to welcome you to the forum in my own, special way.

    If there's anything you'd like to know about the Suzuki GS model bikes, and most others actually, you've come to the right place. There's a lot of knowledge and experience here in the community. Come on in and let me say "HOoooowwwDY!"....

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    Thanks for joining us. Keep us informed.

    Thank you for your indulgence,




      thank you so much for the welcome BassCliff And thank you for all the greate info, I looking forward to read all the info you have given me.
      it`s greate to be here


        Those look like L handlebars to me. The L bars were a cruiser style, buckhorn type bar. You need a standard set of bars to go with the square master cylinder. Here is what my L bars and mastercylinder look like

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        Last edited by Guest; 08-21-2010, 03:34 AM.


          Thanx almarconi

          Ok I see. The standar on my bike is a strait handlebar right ?
          The handlebar I have now is good to use because of my back, I can sit a little bit lean backward in stead of forward if you know what I mean.
          But wondering, can I use the cylinder of a L version ?
          Can you take a pic of the cylinder almarconi ?


            The L bars are usually thought of a less comfortable than a standard set of bars.
            The E model is more sought after for that reason. The buckhorn shape is kind of uncomfortable on your wrists till you get used to it.

            An upright position should be more comfortable on your back, the L bars tend to give you a more hunched over posture. Have you considered wearing a back support belt when you ride?

            If you are happy with the L bars, there is no reason an L front master cylinder will not work with your bike.


              When I think it, when I ride my bike I have a dendensy to grab the handles to hard when I lean back into ride potition, so after a while I get tired in my wrist and hands. Maby if I get a handlebar like you say, more uppward.
              I then must have a hadlebar that not to flat or to high, maby something like 17 - 20Cm high.

              Yes I have thought about that, I have looked into that kind that look like a turtle back. it goes from the neck to the waist. it also prevent to get the back broke in a collision.

