My speedometer is 5 MPH fast at 70 MPH according to my GPS.
This prompted me to look at the various speedometers and drive gears from the various parts books that I found on BassCliff's site in a huge zip file. Not all models are listed there. Some model years (GG) are suppositions on my part. Here is a breakdown:
Model / Speedometer (34110-xxxxx) / Drive gear (54600-xxxxx)
GS650GT= 1980, GX=1981, GZ= 1982
650GT & GX: 47330 / 18401
650GZ: 34580 / 18401
GS850GT=1980, GX=1981, GZ=1982, GD=1983, GE=1984, GF=1985, GG=1986?
850 (generic): 45130 / 18401
850GE & GF & GG: 49430 / 18401
850GT & GX: 45132 / 18401
850GLT: 45330 / 49100 (oddball)
850GZ & GD: 49430 / 18401
1000GT= 1980, GX=1981
1000 GT & GX: 45132 / 18401 (2008 manual I found showed 18402 replacing 18401)
1100GZ=1982, GE=1984
1100GE & GZ: 49430 / 18401
The speedometers break down as follows when translated to year & model:
34580: 1982 650G
45130: 850 (generic)
45132: 1980-81 850 & 1000G (known to be 85 MPH unit)
45330: 1980 850GL (suspect 85 MPH unit)
47330: 1980 & 81 650G (suspect 85 MPH unit)
49430: 1983-86 850 & 1100G; 1982 1100G (suspect 140 MPH unit)
As an observation, I think the "3" as the next to last digit might mean MPH & kilo scale.
The drive gear 18401 was universal for everything except the 1980 GLT, which used a 49100. I suspect the other "L" models may have used this same drive gear, but there are no other parts manuals I have found. This answers the question about changing your drive gear when you put a 140 MPH speedometer on- you don't have to change the gear. From what I've read here, a 5 MPH fast error at 70 is not bad at all, so my experience bears this out.
My speedometer came in a Suzuki parts box with a parts label of 45132 and it had 7/10 of a mile on the dial. Someone had handwritten 45150 below it. It bolted right in & was obviously made for the bike. My 85 MPH speedometer did not have any numbers on it that related to the above. I did a Google search on 34110-45150 and ended up here. When I put it in the part number box, it crossed over to 45132, an obsolete part.
If you have one of these models and can post here as to the OEM MPH (no kilometer units please, as they are a different part #) of the speedometer, I'll update the list.
Thanks & hope this helps.