Got everything back together today, and took her for a ride. Felt GREAT!
Still need to officially balance the carbs, and get a few details buttoned up on the fuel system, like adding some quality breathers for the vents and crankcase breather line.
Seems to run pretty good, though it seems to get really lean from around 6500+. Kind of stutters, flutters, pops a bit up there. Pulls nicely to that point, however. Will need to work to figure out what's causing that. Any thoughts or advice on that would be appreciated. Current jetting is per the DJ Stage 3 Jetting kit, 3rd groove on needle with 165 mains. Floats are set right at the recommended 22.4mms. Should I have adjusted that for the larger jets?
Also, I noticed that, when I first set the fuel petcock to prime, I left it on a little too long. Fuel was coming out of the #2 carb's main air jet (2nd carb in on the right side??) If the float needle was working properly, would't the fuel stop filling the float bowl once it's full?
I rode the bike around for about an hour, went up and put fresh fuel in, and didn't notice any more fuel doing this with the petcock on "on", and other than the bike seemingly leaning out above 6500 (just shy of 7000, actually), it seemed to run fine, started right up, idled nicely, etc.
OH, and the front brakes are SOFT! Definitely need to work on that. Feels like the pads are dragging a little, and they may be glazed. They almost feel non-existant at this point.
Here are some pics from today:
