I bought a '79 gs 850 a couple weeks ago that I have been trying to get running. Supposedly it was a runner two years ago and last summer it was started a few times but never ridden. When I got it it would not start except for on starting fluid.
There seemed to be weak or intermittent spark problems going on so I replaced the points and condensers. Spark seems strong blue/white now.
Problem One, If I set (statically) the timing on 1/3 I cant quite get 2/4 to be spot on I will be about 1mm advanced on 2/4. I can split the difference and have them both off a bit but I cant get them both spot on. I cant get it running long enough to get a strobe check.
I rebuilt the carbs. 2,3,and 4 were dirty but ive seen worse on running vehicles. #1 was filled with clear goo (congealed gas? or?)They are all spotless clean now inside and out. They are VM carbs as its a '79. The only thing I did not takeout and clean where the chokes as I had never seen a choke like that and didn't know how to disassemble it and my manual was no help. I later found a great tutorial on this site but the carbs were already back together at that point they all move freely and when I do get it running for short bursts changing the choke setting does effect running so I know they are working.
The settings for the fuel and air needles were all over the place from 1.25 to 2.25 turns out for the fuel pilot screws the air pilots were closer to equal with settings from 1.25 to 1.75. From what I have read 1/4 turn on the fuel needles is a big difference so it seems strange they would be up to a full turn different. I did not keep track of which needle came out of which carb not sure if this matters. They did not have paint on them so they very well could have rattled themselves to a new setting over the course of the last 30 years. Anyway I have tried setting them from the settings they originally had and combinations of what was in this tutorial from one end of what he says are normal settings to the other.
At one point I had it running if I just barely cracked open the throttle (idle was possibly set a hair low at this point) but if I opened the throttle at all it would begin to choke out. However It was running on 2 cylinders only. What really struck me as odd was that the cylinders it was running on were 3&4 if it was an ignition related problem I would think it would run on 1/3 or 2/4 so this problem must be carb related? At the time it was running like this all carb screws were set at equal settings I think 1.5 turns out on the fuel screws and 1.25 on the air screws but I am not positive on those numbers.
I don't have any true compression numbers since I can never get it to run long enough to get up to operating temp but a stone cold compression test showed around 120lbs on all cylinders.
The valves are all a bit tight or atleast I think they are. the smallest feeler gauge I own is .002 inches and according to my manual low limit is .0012 I cant get the .002 in there but the shim will spin freely so I dont think its under any tension there must be atleast around .001 of an inch of clearance for this to be true right? I also have a question on checking valves the manual says turn the cam lobe perpendicular to the head and shows a picture however this is different than perpendicular to the shim which is set at an angle and thus if u set the cam lobe perpendicular to the shim u come up with a bit more clearence. What is the correct check? I don't have a tappet depressor tool or any replacement shims(yet) so Id be SOL to fix them right now even if they are a hair tight)
So to sum up:
1. Cant get timing right on both sets
2. Can only get running on 3/4 This has to be a carb problem right?
3. Proper cam lobe position to check valves.
4. Any other ideas, tips, shots in the dark to try to get it running.