Steve is one of the many gurus (as is Nessism) around here. He posts frequently and has information about obtaining his valve adjustment spreadsheet in his signature file. If you don't read any other posts beside your own then you may have to visit the membership lists to find him.
Look at the top of the page. See that blue line with white links? If you click on "Community" then "Members List" in the drop-down menu, you can search for any member name in the forum and view their online forum profile. Steve will have his email address in his profile (look under the "Contact Info" tab.). Send him an email, not a private message or visitor message. That way he can send you that very handy document as an attachment.
While you're there, if you click on the "User CP" link, you can add some personal information to your forum profile too. Add your general location and add information to your signature file, like the year and model of your motorcycle.
To get an idea of how stuff works in the forum, click the "FAQ" link at the top of the page. That is a "Frequently Asked Questions" section with General Forum Usage tips and User Profile Features.
I also invite you to visit my little BikeCliff website where I've collected a lot of information about how to repair your motorcycle and keep it well maintained. Start with the READ ME page.
Thank you for your indulgence,