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speedo tacho not working

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    speedo tacho not working

    hi im thinking of buying a 1982 gsx 750, its pretty much in good cond, bar a tear in the seat, and also the speedo and tacho are not functioning, im told that the cables have broken inside the consol, im a bit worried that i might not be able to fix this it possible to fix, or would i be better off staying clear of it.

    Hi Paul, welcome to the nuthouse, you wil find all the info you could ever need to keep your bike purring here, the place is filled with lots of good folk with tons of knowledge on the GS motorcycles.

    It is easy enough to check what the problem is, just unscrew the cables off the back off the instruments, you may need a plier at worst case as they can be quite tight some times.
    then either put the bike on the center stand, if it has one, with the front wheel off the ground, and spin the front wheel by hand, the inner cable should turn, if not, it is either broken, or the speedo drive at the wheel is no good, if it does turn, the actual speedo is no good.
    Do the same with the rev counter, start the motor up, the inner cable should turn, if not, suspect cable or tacho drive in the top of the cam cover, if it does turn, the rev counter is busted.

    cables are cheap enough, broken cables should not stop you from buying an otherwise clean bike, if you really want it.
    Also, with the cables unscrewed behnd the instuments, you should be able to grab the inner cable and just pull it out of the outter casing, then you can see if the cable is busted or not.

    Good luck with it, let us know what you find.
    Oh yes, we like pics, lots of them.


      Paul what country are you in? I'm guessing you're not a Yank as you called the bike a GSX (they would have left off the X).

      If you're in the UK all the parts you could possibly need to fix this are cheap. Cables are a tenner (roughly), the speedo drive is peanuts secondhand and the whole clock sets often don't make £20 on Ebay.

      Flyboy is right with the tests - all dead easy and easy fixes if something is wrong.
      79 GS1000S
      79 GS1000S (another one)
      80 GSX750
      80 GS550
      80 CB650 cafe racer
      75 PC50 - the one with OHV and pedals...
      75 TS100 - being ridden (suicidally) by my father


        great news

        hi to you Hamshirehog,& Flyboy. first off im a welshman whos been living in ireland for many years, owned a few bikes many years ago, i had a susuki GT 380 about 33 years ago, im now contemplating buying this classic bike over here in ireland. I know its an american import, and it has 17,000 mls on it. It sounds like its not a problem to get parts etc, hope its as easy to fix. given its an american import. Thanks for your quick response. Paul


          Paul, no worries, spares for these things are plentiful, no matter which market it was built for.
          Most of the stuff is still available and that that isn't is always popping up on ebay and the likes.
          If yu get it, post pics, I had a little GT380 many moons ago when granny was still a pinup, also the biiger brother, the GT550, wish I had never got rid of them.


            parts etc.

            hi flyboy, its good to hear that parts are available, I will post up somme pics as soon as the bike is mine,thank you very much for your advise. i also wish i had kept my gt 380, probably be worth a bit now. black with gold lines, lots of chrome, this new bike is also black, but the tank does not have any lines, i will alter that. there are no side panel decals either, hopei can locate these. a new seat cover and clocks sorted and she will be like new.
            looking forward to it.
            thanks paul.


              gs purchase.

              Originally posted by Flyboy View Post
              Hi Paul, welcome to the nuthouse, you wil find all the info you could ever need to keep your bike purring here, the place is filled with lots of good folk with tons of knowledge on the GS motorcycles.

              It is easy enough to check what the problem is, just unscrew the cables off the back off the instruments, you may need a plier at worst case as they can be quite tight some times.
              then either put the bike on the center stand, if it has one, with the front wheel off the ground, and spin the front wheel by hand, the inner cable should turn, if not, it is either broken, or the speedo drive at the wheel is no good, if it does turn, the actual speedo is no good.
              Do the same with the rev counter, start the motor up, the inner cable should turn, if not, suspect cable or tacho drive in the top of the cam cover, if it does turn, the rev counter is busted.

              cables are cheap enough, broken cables should not stop you from buying an otherwise clean bike, if you really want it.
              Also, with the cables unscrewed behnd the instuments, you should be able to grab the inner cable and just pull it out of the outter casing, then you can see if the cable is busted or not.

              Good luck with it, let us know what you find.
              Oh yes, we like pics, lots of them.
              hi flyboy, thought you might like to see a pic of the bike, bought it on the weekend, had to travel 300 miles but i think it will be worth it. its running pretty much ok, i havent ridden a bike for nearly thirty years, boy was it great to have the wind in your face again.
              tried the speedo its not turning so must be at the wheel, but the clocks have broken dials anyway. tacho is working, i would appreciate any advise, on this project, i dont have a lot of mechanical experience, but am practical and can do most of the work needed.

              rust has pretty much affected a lot of areas, the for sale pics must have been taken at leasrt two years ago. anyway, there is corrosion on alloy parts, and i think the previous owner sprayed alloy paint as it has bubbled in some areas. i can tackle these myself, and the spraying of tank etc, clocks can be sent away for fixing, seat is very rusty underneath, may have to purchase a new one. wheels need a good clean, there will be some parts that have to have re-chrome work done, i know it was an american import back in 2005, i think it came from iowa, its a 1982 gsx 750, but ive been trying to find out the original colour scheme, there are no line decals on the bike so im wondering if its supposed to be just plain black.
              I very much want to return it to its original condition. it will take time and money. have lots of time as no work for the past two years. money will be tight. but i will get there.
              i think this bike has been stabnding outside for a number of years. soany advise you can give regarding loosening of parts prior to removal would be appreciated.
              i will attach a photo of the bike, but im not sure if i can post more than one pic at a time so let me know.


                Have a look at the following site for a brief history and a few photos of your bike:

                If you have any nuts and bolts that are rusted and need removing penetrating oil is your friend (not WD40 - buy the proper stuff). Plus give it time to soak in - you'll be surprised what you can shift.

                The seats are pretty common on Ebay. The GSX1100 seat from 80 and 81 fit as well (they are the same seat).

                Follow Cliff's list of things you need to do on any new GS(X) and you'll be fine. Be careful with the carbs (don't break the float mounting pins like loads of people do) and buy the new O rings from Robert Barr. And clean the carbs to death - they have to be very clean if you want them to work.

                But most of all ask questions on here. Good bunch of guys and some could do everything on your bike blindfold.
                79 GS1000S
                79 GS1000S (another one)
                80 GSX750
                80 GS550
                80 CB650 cafe racer
                75 PC50 - the one with OHV and pedals...
                75 TS100 - being ridden (suicidally) by my father


                  gs purchase

                  Originally posted by hampshirehog View Post
                  Paul what country are you in? I'm guessing you're not a Yank as you called the bike a GSX (they would have left off the X).

                  If you're in the UK all the parts you could possibly need to fix this are cheap. Cables are a tenner (roughly), the speedo drive is peanuts secondhand and the whole clock sets often don't make £20 on Ebay.

                  Flyboy is right with the tests - all dead easy and easy fixes if something is wrong.
                  hi hampshire hog, well i went and did it, got the susuki on the weekend, needs some attention to it. its riding ok,engine feels good, there are lots of corrosion though, on alloy and there will be some re-chrome work needed, needs a new seat, rust has got to the underneath, speedo cable is not turning, so will need a new drive, tacho is ok ,but the clocks need attention, dials have broken. the black plastic on handlebars etc has faded, if u know a fix it would be good. i can re-spray tank and panels etc, i will need some badges this will be an interesting project for me as ive been unemployed for two years,its good to have something to do.
                  took her out up the road today and she rides good, although its been nearly thirty years since i last rode a bike, it felt good though.
                  anyway i will upload you a photo.
                  and thanks for your help.



                    See the guide on my website for posting pictures to GSR.

                    If that's an American model, the 1982 GS750EZ came in two colors, black (Space Black #2) and red (Candy Fancy Maroon).

                    One of our favorite elixirs for loosening rusty bits is "PB Blaster". I don't know if that's available in Ireland or what its equivalent might be. But a 50/50 potion of ATF and acetone does just as well, if not better.

                    You received your "mega-welcome" in your introductory thread in the GS Owners section. Check out the maintenance lists there.

                    Thank you for your indulgence,



                      Hi Paul, good to hear you got your bike, even better to hear you had a good time back in the saddle, Lord knows I can't wait to get mine done and under my ass, I do miss it terribly.
                      Most of what you describe is nothing that can't be sorted out with some good old elbow grease and cleaning, seems to me you have a really good solid base to work from.
                      You will be surprised what a couple of quid worth of cleaning stuff, a bit of sand paper and brillo pads can do for restoring looks.
                      Try Sunrise Graphics for decal sets, they are on your little island if I am not mistaken.
                      Your seat seems complete and unmolested except for the cover, you can get a new one from any one of the guys that make covers, and they hav the original pattern as well.
                      As I recall, there is also a manufacturer of seat covers on the isle.
                      When I have some time I will look them up and post the website, or you can get hold of Pit Replicas on Ebay.
                      I don't know how badly your clocks are broken, but mine where pretty badly stuffed after my last little humpty dumpty, all fall down episode, and I managed to get them back into quite respectable shape with an afternoons work and about 10 of your english pounds, check my blow by blow account here, maybe it can help, I don't know.

                      Be sure to go through the preventitive maintenance on Basscliffs site, and post any questions you may have, there are a bunch of good folk with heaps of knowledge who will do their best to steer you in the right direction.

                      For posting pics, just open a photobucket account, upload your pics there, and copy and past the image URL into your message.
                      then you can post 10 per message.


                        great website

                        Originally posted by BassCliff View Post

                        See the guide on my website for posting pictures to GSR.

                        If that's an American model, the 1982 GS750EZ came in two colors, black (Space Black #2) and red (Candy Fancy Maroon).

                        One of our favorite elixirs for loosening rusty bits is "PB Blaster". I don't know if that's available in Ireland or what its equivalent might be. But a 50/50 potion of ATF and acetone does just as well, if not better.

                        You received your "mega-welcome" in your introductory thread in the GS Owners section. Check out the maintenance lists there.

                        Thank you for your indulgence,

                        hi, Basscliff.
                        thank you for your info, and what a great website you have, full of brilliant information.
                        I think my bike is space Black, dont know if there was decals, ive seen a small photo of a gs black with a gold stripe, unfortunately the pic is to small to make out any other color, but ill keep on looking.
                        regards paul.


                          Originally posted by Flyboy View Post
                          Hi Paul, good to hear you got your bike, even better to hear you had a good time back in the saddle, Lord knows I can't wait to get mine done and under my ass, I do miss it terribly.
                          Most of what you describe is nothing that can't be sorted out with some good old elbow grease and cleaning, seems to me you have a really good solid base to work from.
                          You will be surprised what a couple of quid worth of cleaning stuff, a bit of sand paper and brillo pads can do for restoring looks.
                          Try Sunrise Graphics for decal sets, they are on your little island if I am not mistaken.
                          Your seat seems complete and unmolested except for the cover, you can get a new one from any one of the guys that make covers, and they hav the original pattern as well.
                          As I recall, there is also a manufacturer of seat covers on the isle.
                          When I have some time I will look them up and post the website, or you can get hold of Pit Replicas on Ebay.
                          I don't know how badly your clocks are broken, but mine where pretty badly stuffed after my last little humpty dumpty, all fall down episode, and I managed to get them back into quite respectable shape with an afternoons work and about 10 of your english pounds, check my blow by blow account here, maybe it can help, I don't know.

                          Be sure to go through the preventitive maintenance on Basscliffs site, and post any questions you may have, there are a bunch of good folk with heaps of knowledge who will do their best to steer you in the right direction.

                          For posting pics, just open a photobucket account, upload your pics there, and copy and past the image URL into your message.
                          then you can post 10 per message.
                          Hi Flyboy, thanks for the info, ill open a photobucket account and post some more close up pics showing the rust etc, when i get a mo, have not seen your showthread yet, had a look at basscliffs site, wow great info there.
                          many thanks paul.


                            loads of great info

                            Originally posted by hampshirehog View Post
                            Have a look at the following site for a brief history and a few photos of your bike:

                            If you have any nuts and bolts that are rusted and need removing penetrating oil is your friend (not WD40 - buy the proper stuff). Plus give it time to soak in - you'll be surprised what you can shift.

                            The seats are pretty common on Ebay. The GSX1100 seat from 80 and 81 fit as well (they are the same seat).

                            Follow Cliff's list of things you need to do on any new GS(X) and you'll be fine. Be careful with the carbs (don't break the float mounting pins like loads of people do) and buy the new O rings from Robert Barr. And clean the carbs to death - they have to be very clean if you want them to work.

                            But most of all ask questions on here. Good bunch of guys and some could do everything on your bike blindfold.
                            i think this gs resources site is fantastic, i would never have got all this info anywhere else, Basscliffs site is something else, its great that there are people like yourself who are ready to give out help.
                            many thanks paul

