The carbs look pretty dang clean. In fact, I'm not even sure it's worth taking the time to soak and wipe them down. Is this a bad idea to skip this step at this point? If I should clean them, what should I use?
How picky do I need to be about the condition of the surfaces? The jet needle (not needle jet) has some shiny spots on it that I imagine indicate some abrasion, although they look perfectly smooth and you can't see any indentation. The float needle has a ring on its taper from where it sits in the seat. Again, I can't see any indentation or pitting but you can see a difference in shiny-ness. Should I replace float needles and jet needles?
The o-rings on the pilot air screws are cracked. Should those get replaced?
The o-ring on one of the needle jets is in very bad shape. I am going to replace it. Could that be a main culprit in the problems the bike is having?
Can I use regular hardware store o-rings for this stuff or do I have to order special ones from a motorcycle shop?
The pilot air screws are a different shape than the ones in my Clymer manual. Below is a photo of my screw on top of the Clymer photo. Do I have the wrong screw and should replace it?