I'm in madison WI, currently about 20-30 F.
I've had a problem where my bike won't start for seemingly no reason other then not running for a couple days. I've checked my fuel line, spark, and made sure my carbs are clean. Sand blasted the entire inside of them and the jets were clear. My gas is also new and lines don't seem to have a leak anywhere. I also changed my plugs recently so those can still be considered new, almost completely silver still. I also completely replaced my electrical system(stator, regulator, battery). My stator was bad. So everything that should be there to run the bike is there. However when I try to start it, it gets up to 2000 rpm's with an open choke and a bit of throttle then it dies. I had to use starting fluid to get it going. If I do any more throttle then just a bit the rpms plummet and it dies. Now a few days later after it almost ran, it rumbles for a sec then goes back to turning over with no ignition. It's been under a cover in my garage with oil pan heaters on it but that doesn't seem to have helped. Any idea's on what to check next? I'm kind of stumped. I've also adjusted my valves recently so that shouldn't be an issue. A minor thing as well is my airbox doesn't line up right with my carbs and there's a small gap on the bottom of each of my connections between the air box and carbs. I plan to fix it by getting individual air filters for each carb air intake but until it runs I'm not going to order them since it ran fine just a week ago.