The bike was running great last year and would occasionally cut out while running and blow the ignition fuse. I finally found a short to the coil ground at one of the coils this year (after I did a bunch of other stuff, of course, sigh).
Over the winter, I replaced the regulator (the old one wasn't great) with an ElectroSport ESR100, the stator with an ElectroSport ESE100 stator, and the Ignitor and "points" with a Dyna S.
Great, new ignition system and electrical system! Well, other than the coils, the harness and the fuse box.
But, the bike just plain ole won't start.
There is spark on both cylinder banks
There is fuel (the carb bowls are wet anyway - i pulled the drain screw a little to see)
The starter is cranking just fine
The battery is reading decent anyway (maybe I'll just replace it to be sure)
Suggestions on how to make sure that fuel is making it into the cylinder? Should the plugs be wet after cranking for a bit? (didn't pull a plug yet)
I plan on replacing the fuse box because the voltage drops to 10.5 or so across the fuse box. I guess 32 years was pretty good on the original.. but I don't think that's causing "the issue" here...
Also, I had to adjust the Dyna S quite a bit as I static timed it.. it is at the limit for the cyl1-4 adjustment, which seemed weird to me. Could that mean the spark is just at the wrong time? How could I screw that up? Anyone have a really good step by step on the timing? I don't see how I could have gotten it wrong...