here is the background:
Early last summer:
replaced bad ignitor
installed dyna green coils
carbs rebuilt per the guide here, float heights set correctly
carbs seated in boots, new intake manifold o-rings and bolts, torque is correct
stock/oem airbox rebuilt with foam seals and filter, and while not new, it's clean enough for the moment to avoid air issues
spark on all 4 plugs
fuel coming from all 4 carb float bowl drain plugs when the plugs are loosened
bike fired right up - carb sync was close enough that the bike idled ok, a bit of a stumble when throttle was blipped but no big deal, on the right track. Would have been rideable without issue.
bike sat and battery drained pretty quickly, other parts of life took over and I let the project languish for the winter thinking that I needed to address a short in the R/R
Got back into it last month, want to ride:
Installed new battery and new duaneage honda R/R
Went to fire bike up. No go. Shot of ether into #1, bike fires and runs but runs like total garbage, requires 1/2 choke or more to keep going. Won't idle, like it's running on 2 cyl. So I'm thinking carbs/fuel, or flipped coils (2-3 firing when 1-4 is signaled). Coils are correct 2-3 signal connected to 2-3 coil. Flip coils to see if problem changes because of bad coil, no impact
Pull carbs, go through them again. Some mung in the bottom of the bowls from sitting but nothing anywhere near approaching "OMG look at this crap", all jets clear. But I soak everything and go through the rebuild again.
started on setting valve gap, but only have current shim sizes so far and no metric feeler gauge to figure out what shims I need.
compression is not great, but the bike hasn't been really run in ages and valve gap not set. between 90 and 120 across all 4. valves are "close enough" for the moment given the compression I'd think. Plus it ran before with no valve train changes since then
battery full charge
reinstall carbs, airbox, fuel tank, new fuel, confirm fuel in all 4 bowls.
Same problem, runs like crap, requires choke to stay alive. stumbles hard, unridable, won't idle