This will dredge some oft trodden ground, however I have used the search function to the best of my ability the last few days and am ready for the abuse

A while back I bought a gs650gt... well, a v5 and a collection of bits that match up to it. Most of the bike is there but most of it needs overhaul. Now I only bought the bike as a cafe project and so I'm afraid there isn't much chance of the purists winning me over to restore it. However I'm at a slight fork as to what to do engine/drive wise.
The current gs650gt engine needs a proper going over and considering how tricky it seems to come across bits UK-side for them I was wondering about buying a good 550 engine (cheap and common) and building up a 550/650 hybrid as several have done on here. The draw to this is that with chain drive I would then be able to run whatever wheels I desire. (Be that spoked and classic looking for the occasional pottering about, or more modern, wider and grippy for being a bit of a hooligan if I so desire). Also, it offers another gear and the potential to drop some weight, but that is less of an issue. (I'm also a sucker for a kickstart... but that's another thing again...)
Of course the next thought that pops in is "if you're going to the trouble of swapping to chain drive then why not fit x,y,z sportsbike engine instead of an old GS lump". I'd quite like to keep the character of the GS so I'm less keen on this option. (I like the gs650 specifically because imho it is arguably the best gs engine)
So what I'm really after is:
a) How tricky is it to swap a gs650 frame to accept a 550 crankcase/mounts/chain drive i.e is it just a case of fitting a 550 swingarm? (I have searched everywhere and it is often brought up but always shot down in flames... I'm hoping for a decent answer here as I'm not butchering an already running bike...) I can weld, so little modifications aren't an issue.
b) Where do you buy gs650 engine parts for sensible prices in the UK?
c) Any other thoughts or good ideas?
Little more info: I was given the front end from a cbr600rr so I will be using the forks/brakes/bars/switch gear from that.
Thanks in advance for any help or input!