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Front Brakes and Honing Cliynders

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    Front Brakes and Honing Cliynders

    I'm back working on my 1100ez and have a few questions. I'm going to hone the cylinders and have researched the hones and what people here have used. I've read that it should be a 320gr Ball hone to what ever size my cylinders are. My pistons are stock 1100 so I'm guessing it should be a 74mm ball hone. Can I use cheap oil when doing the honing or is there a type I should use?

    I'm also not having any luck bleeding my front master cylinder after rebuilding it. When I put in brake fluid and pump it; it just bubbles to the top. It doesn't seem like any fluid and going into the line. I'm thinking about buying a newer master cylinder but not sure what's a good one to buy. I remember Jwhelan putting in one of his threads what he went to but I can't find it. I'll be going to a 1993gsxr front in the coming years as I already have the forks, just need to buy the wheels and brakes. Already have a gsf1200 swing arm also but that will also wait.

    Anyone can help?

    I know I spelled Cylinders wrong in the


      For the cylinders I have always used regular motor oil. There might be better stuff, dunno.

      Did you try bench bleeding the MC? Hold your finger over the port where the brake line goes, squeeze the lever, let the pressure out with your finger then hold it tight and release the lever. It should suck fluid into the cylinder. Repeat a few times until just fluid comes out past your finger. Then hook up the brake line and try again.

      Life is too short to ride an L.


        I've tried to bleed them but haven't tried the finger thing. I will try that and see if it works. I guess everything needs the finger every now and then, lol. I did rebuild it with Suzuki parts and not a KL kit. Thanks for the advice tkent.

        Also looking to buy a new fuel petcock if anyone has one.


          I had the same problem. Get a MityVac and vacuum bleed them. Bench bleed the master cylinder first.
          im trying to bleed the clutch on my new lever. i crashed and needed to replace the master cylinder. I pumped the heck out of this thing and its still building no pressure. am i doing something wrong? im simply holding the lever and opening the valve. then i close the valve, pump a few...
          09 Kaw C14 Rocket powered Barcalounger
          1983 GS1100e
          82\83 1100e Frankenbike
          1980 GS1260
          Previous 65 Suzuki 80 Scrambler, 76 KZ900, 02 GSF1200S, 81 GS1100e, 80 GS850G


            Thanks guy's bench bleeding the master cylinder worked great. I already have the MightyVac so now I can put it to good use.

            On the cylinders, what size hone do most people use for a stock 1100ez?
            74mm or a 76mm? and 320grit? I know people have done this from reading but I can't find the old posts.

            Nessim can you guide me in the right direction?


              What's the bore size? Go with the same bore size or up to the next hone increment. sells a 73mm which is about right. The 240 grit is cheaper and will work fine.
              Last edited by Nessism; 03-29-2014, 08:49 PM.

              To measure is to know.

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                Not sure on the OEM master cylinder, as I'm running XJ900 masters on both, but on those, there's a tiny relief hole from the m/c bore into the reservoir and it gets blocked very easily. If it's blocked you'll be there all day trying to bleed it. The relief hole is common to many m/cs, so I'd be surprised if the OEM one doesn't have it.
                ---- Dave

                Only a dog knows why a motorcyclist sticks his head out of a car window


                  Originally posted by Nessism View Post
                  What's the bore size? Go with the same bore size or up to the next hone increment. sells a 73mm which is about right. The 240 grit is cheaper and will work fine.
                  I don't have a cylinder micrometer but looking it up on here it says the 1100ez is 72mm bore. I do have a Dial Mic so I'll use that to check. So if it is 72mm then I go with a 73mm hone.

                  I checked it when I got home and it's a hair under 72mm so I'll buy the hone there and get to work. Getting the old gasket off has been a real pain but it's almost clean.

                  Thanks for the help Nessism
                  Last edited by Guest; 03-30-2014, 12:51 PM.

