I was having trouble getting the bike running last fall and now this spring she refuses to start at all.
Some background info (note: Little to no proper maintenance was done on the bike before I got it.) :
- Acquired bike
- New Battery
- Carbs cleaned, carb boots and O rings replaced at reputable bike shop
- Replaced petcock with new
- adjusted valves
- Overhauled the rear brakes
Last fall the bike started to lose power on a ride over to a friends house. It's hard to describe from memory but it felt like I was running out of gas. I limped it to my destination where it wouldn't start again until I added gas to the tank. By the way there should have been plenty of fresh gas in the tank (guessing I was 1/3 of a tank). I rode it a few more times that fall with no issues during my rides. If the bike sat over night I would have trouble starting it. Sometimes I could only get it started by rolling it down my driveway and popping it into first. Since it was rapidly getting cold out and I didn't have much time I treated the fuel and left it in the back of the garage.
This spring I can't get it started with a freshly charged battery or rolling it down my driveway. I know there's a lot of overdue maintenance to do. But I would like to at get it running first then tackle the other projects one by one with a running bike in between. My first guess is this problem has to due with the fuel system. I was thinking about tackling the carbs first and replacing every rubber hose along the way.
Does anyone have any ideas as what might be wrong?