Well, I'll go straight to the point....kinda.

My bike developed an issue after stop and go traffic for some time. while stopped at a light, revs will go up and won't go to normal till I start moving. Also, had to give a slight throttle while stopped to keep the bike from dying (not too much, just a slight touch).
I read on bikecliff's website that it could be an air leak, probably the air intake o'rings. So I ordered 4 and replaced them today. Also, a clamp from one of my air box boots where missing and the boot was slightly off, so I fixed that buying a new clamp. Also sealed the air box with wheaterstrip as recommended on the airbox tutorial.
Now, the bike starts really nice, but it has this "coughing", only coming from the right muffler. I can rev it up with no problem, but it will keep doing this intermittent coughing after when it's idling. I want to mention that I took the carbs out, but didn't open them to avoid syncing them... am I right or should I re-sync them?
I want to go on a ride, but I don't know if it's safe
Also, My throttle won't come back once released, I have to move it up myself... is it too tight or what did I do wrong?
