Well they are done.

Those are now in my garage trash. Good riddance. Just by eyeball I could tell that seals they weren't. The Bike has over 100,000km.
There were request for pictures.
This an early version of my tool:

The bolts would bend and the socket would be at an angle that would make it slip.
The last version had a longer stiffer shaft that was drilled to add more places to insert the bolts (More angle choices).

The strapping is not touching the engine There are 2 aluminium washer in between.
Eventually the strapping also had more holes drilled into it to allow more choices.
Clearance isn't a real issue. I had to remove the fairing. The exhaust side of cylinder 2 and 3 were the more difficult ones.
Pulling the seals wasn't hard once I acquired long-nosed-vise-grips.
The very worst part was handling the retainers (Putting them back, removal was easy).
I am glad it's done. I knew I could do it. From starting to undress the bike to valve completion took IDK something like 10 days.
It can be done if you have the soul of a red neck and the patience of Job (No, not Steve).
Do I recommend it? No. Not for the faint of heart
I would do one valve at the time. Do no other bike task.
My goal was to do 1 valve per garage session. On the whole that was the case.
There were a few retainer issues (Exhaust side of cylinder 2&3) where I decided to do another easier valve. Then finish the first one the next day.
A fresh head (The next day) seems to be needed to get those small !@#$% to cooperate.
Thanks for reading this.
PS Now I rest my finger tips.
Next garage session will involve the cams going back in.