The previous owner, who was a oil rig wildcatter & hulking side-of-a-house type of guy, had some stock-looking (but stiff as all-hell) shocks out back which had me standing on tippy-toes at stoplights even though I'm 5'-10".
So my riding partner & good friend JD came over so we could look it over for the simplest ($$$) solution.
He's an offshore-racing boat builder & has an innate ability to quickly find the simplest, most common-sense solution to any mechanical problem.
We simply dropped them down to the next-to-lowest setting, which still gave me sufficient ground clearance in the corners, but allowed me to get my feet nearly flat on the ground when standing the bike upright.
The Deka ETX15L is still on the trickle charger waiting to go into the battery tray, but I just haven't had the time to get to it or fit the K&N air filter into the airbox.
Thankfully, I'm slammed with work right now (even in this economy) & it's just too damned hot when I get home (even at 5:00 or so) to get up the motivation to want to go down to the garage to do these simple things.
90 to 92 degrees, with close to 80% humidity is not uncommon theses days in South Florida, so I'm trying to cut myself some slack.
