Many of you probably know exactly what will follow:
I hadn't realized until I hit the start button. Less than a second on the switch, normal starter engagement and POP, puff from the spark plug on cylider 1(?)-left most cyl.- I dont believe I got actual cycled combustion, because I IMMEDIATELY released the switch & clutch and starter returned to full stop. It was then I found my Pingle petcock had been very so slightly left open.
I then pulled the tank and all plugs- which all.looked great but on both left bank cylinders I found fuel -slight misting on inner left, actual accumulation in leftmost cylinder.
Oil, obviously had ungunked the cylinder walls and leaked into the crankcase.
Now, the part I worry about-
What steps do I take now?
Obvious things such as drain/change the oil, replace the petcock just to be 100% sure, pull float needles and clean them/replace O-rings most likely....but will it live? Did I kill this thing?
To more clear, I am talking of my 83 GS1100E.
Sucks too, because I JUST changed my oil. But are there any additional.steps I should take? Aside from the obvious of remembering to turn my petcock to the "OFF" position.
