The bike was running fine and I took it out for a 55 mile ride and then the next day with the wife for another 45. I decided to put in new plugs and I gapped them at .31 as per dynatek and next day the bike wouldnt idle. I messed with the pilot screws and made things worse and walked away.
Today I took out the pilot screws and fished out the gasket and washer and reinstalled. I checked for loose clamps and tightened all the spring clamps. I didn't have my airbox attached to the frame and I did that today thinking maybe after the 90 something miles the boots had loosened. I regaped the plugs to .27.
I checked for leaks with starter fluid. It starts and idles but it hangs and then drops and I am at a complete lose.
I posted a video so you can hear it and perhaps give some advice. I am stuck!!
Here is what I have done to the bike since getting it
New Stator and regulator
New Battery
Fresh oil
New dyna ignition
new dyna coils 3 ohm
new plugs
Sync carbs with carbtune
new throttle cable
New air filter
checked valve clearence
Dipped carbs twice and replaced all jets
Cleaned and lined tank
Right now it has a bottle of sea foam in the tank put in at last fill up
All my rubbers look new and are pliable.
Should I look at timing?? When I give a little goose to the throttle it goes up to 3500 hangs a minute and then climbs back down to idle.