I made one quick attempt, that did not proceed well. I can see two or three complications there.
One: will be holding the swingarm in its general place while trying to do this.
I am making a small frame out of 2x4s to hold the swingarm in somewhat close position.
Two: holding the swing arm in exact position so those threaded insert things (#3) line up exactly with the bearings (#2). Seems that is a tight fit.
I find it somewhat difficult to line up the bearing into the threaded insert thing (#3) with just holding the bearing and the threadoed insert in my hand, and that is when can see both of them. Seems like is gonna be quite difficult when the bearing is in the swingarm, and trying to hold the swingarm in place, while treading the insert into position, when cant see the bearing or the threaded insert.
Am thinking that am going to have to do something to make small adjustments in how the swingarm sits on that 2x4 frame, like use a screwdrive as something of a shim.
THree: Manaul mentions that when threading in the threaded inserts to be sure that everything is centered... ah, what can I see to determine that....?
Do not have any idea for this.
