Here is the thread about that -->>
IN that thread STEVE mentions it might be Carb sync -
And I talk about being due for a valve shim check anyway --
After reviewing my process I realized I also changed something else recently that MAY (?) have affected the system -
The previous owner was one who wanted more sound - so he drilled out the ends - putting 6 holes in each end of the mufflers -
which in turn caused popping on decel - and a challenge in carb tuning , etc.
I recently turned self tapping bolts into those holes effectively plugging them (no picture) and probably affecting the overall exhaust/engine balance
SO - Last night I started the Valve Shim - Carb Balance odyssey --
I am not so experienced as to be able to do this quickly nor easily -
So I tend to work slowly and methodically and try to stay as organized as I can -
Each bolt is placed into cardboard templates for reinsertion into the correct hole it came from -
Each part is gently placed onto a table nearby for safe keeping - --
And here is what I found when I removed the spark plugs (this may tell a story)