I'll attach a picture of it. Looks pretty good in the picture, but OMG what an abused mess this little bike was. Missing/wrong parts on it everywhere, rust, wrong throttle assembly, broken speedometer, missing air box filter assembly, missing rear turn signals and grab bar, original dry rotted tires, carb completely plugged up, etc. etc.
I'm stuck on rebuilding the front forks since I can't get the socket cap bolt loose on the bottom of the forks that screw into the damper rod inside the fork.
I've used all of my usual tricks, including an impact driver (manual hit it with a hammer type) and a long nose 8mm hex impact socket to reach up into the fork into the socket cap bolt head. Can't get it to break loose because the damper rod just spins with it inside the fork leg.
FSM says to insert a dowel with a tapered nose into the fork and push hard against the top of the damper rod to hold it from spinning. Hah! That doesn't work at all. It's a round peg in a round hole so there is not anywhere near enough friction to hold the damper rod from spinning.
I've also tried putting the spring etc. back in the top of the fork and the cap back on and letting the bottom of the spring press on the top of the damper rod to see if that would keep the damper rod from spinning. Nope!
If I can't get that bolt out, I can't rebuild the forks.
Any advice or tips or tricks for getting a stuck damper rod bolt out would be appreciated.