It as been about a million years since I posted last.
My GK died on me at the end of the summer on my last attempted trip of the season and I dithered a long time about what I should do about it.
Currently it looks like this:

Because it is getting this:

The GK as a bit over 140,000km and the "New" engine only 60,000km.
It as been lying in waiting in the garage for a few years now.
I have started cleaning the years of love it never got from the previous owners.
It turns out it isn't black after all.
I found-saw this on the left rear underside:

To my untrained eyes it looks like a huge grease fitting. Though I am sure it is only a "Nut"...Is it?
As I type and review my text it occurs to me that it is close to the gear selector....Something to do with the neutral switch?
The other bother is this:

I couldn't even see the oil drain plug until I started cleaning. That is NOT found on my GK.
So have some GS ever had a drain plug that looks like that?
I have not dared touch it. I down tooled and went to eat. Enough trouble for one day.
There is stuff around it. I think Teflon. Please it not some Imperial bolt jammed in the hole.
I do not want to do a pan swap. Though I can do one. And I will. If I have to. I guess.
That bolt-thing explains why the engine was (Still is) so cruddy. Maybe the gaskets are in reasonable shape after all.
I hope.....I will find out in the spring. After the engine has ran and got new oils.