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Wierd eletrical problem 83 GS750 Please help

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    Wierd eletrical problem 83 GS750 Please help


    Let me first say thanks for reading and helping.

    Took my bike out yesterday and rode it all day many stops and lots of long cruising. On the last stop pull over and turn off bike. 5 mins later try to start bike and nothing... Push start it and it fires up and I continue home. Low beam on the headlight is out, dont know why. High beam works but when the high beam is on the guage lights are very dim.

    Guages very dim and the turn signals dont even flash. Get to a stop lite and the rpms drop below 1500 bike dies. Push start the bike again and finally make it home.

    At home hook up voltmeter to battery and it reads 11.4v. Try to start bike and it just drops volts to 9, 8, 7, 6 volts but no start just clicks of the starter.

    Ordered a New battery before I start the stator pages testing.

    Could this be just a case of an old battery; its a few years old?



    Re: Wierd eletrical problem 83 GS750 Please help

    The problem is likely either the battery, stator, R/R, or wiring and grounds.
    It could be a combination of those things. Usually a battery a few years old is ready for replacement anyway, so I think a new battery is a good idea.
    After installing a new battery, the first thing I would check is the AC out put from the stator. I posted how to do this a few days ago, so I will just copy part of that post...............

    "there are three yellow output wires from your stator. Those three wires usually end in a plug which plugs into your R/R. Disconnect that plug so that your stator is not connected to anything. If we number those three yellow stator wires 1,2 and 3, then you will need to check ac output between wires 1 and 2 for the 1st phase, between wires 1 and 3 for the 2nd phase and between wires 2 and 3 for the 3rd phase.
    Each phase should show 80 volts on your multimeter. The multimeter should be set to the AC 200 scale for this test. There is no positive or negative in AC current, so which meter lead (black or red) goes on which wire does not matter. For phase 1, simultaneously place one meter lead on yellow wire 1 and the other meter lead on yellow wire 2. Repeat this for the other two phases. The engine should be running at 5000 rpm when this test is being done.

    If you do not have the correct AC voltage available, the R/R can not process it. Or to put it another way, you cant make something from nothing. Smile

    If your stator has the correct voltage output, then the problem is your R/R or ground connections. If the stator is not outputting enough voltage, then your R/R may be either good or bad."


    Originally posted by wiks10

    Let me first say thanks for reading and helping.

    Took my bike out yesterday and rode it all day many stops and lots of long cruising. On the last stop pull over and turn off bike. 5 mins later try to start bike and nothing... Push start it and it fires up and I continue home. Low beam on the headlight is out, dont know why. High beam works but when the high beam is on the guage lights are very dim.

    Guages very dim and the turn signals dont even flash. Get to a stop lite and the rpms drop below 1500 bike dies. Push start the bike again and finally make it home.

    At home hook up voltmeter to battery and it reads 11.4v. Try to start bike and it just drops volts to 9, 8, 7, 6 volts but no start just clicks of the starter.

    Ordered a New battery before I start the stator pages testing.

    Could this be just a case of an old battery; its a few years old?


    Komorebi-The light filtering through the trees.

    I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. H.D.T.



      Thanks for the fast reply. I will do the tests you described when I put the new battery in. When I read all the posts and they say make sure you clean all your connections and check the ground. I dont know where to start. I have a clymer manual but it does not cover this.

      Can you point me in the right direction

      Thanks again



        The charging system has very few connections to check. Places to check....... The main ground runs from your battery negative terminal to a large bolt on top of your transmission. The stator wires end in a plug which connects to the R/R. open it and check the pins to see if they are clean. The black wire on your R/R should be connected to battery negative. The red wire on your R/R should be connected to battery positive. Make sure those are clean and tight. That is all the connections in the charging system.


        Originally posted by wiks10

        Thanks for the fast reply. I will do the tests you described when I put the new battery in. When I read all the posts and they say make sure you clean all your connections and check the ground. I dont know where to start. I have a clymer manual but it does not cover this.

        Can you point me in the right direction

        Thanks again

        Komorebi-The light filtering through the trees.

        I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. H.D.T.


          Many Thanks Earl!!!!!


          Will be on vacation in your state next week cant wait!


            Happy trails. :-) :-)


            Originally posted by wiks10
            Many Thanks Earl!!!!!


            Will be on vacation in your state next week cant wait!
            Komorebi-The light filtering through the trees.

            I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. H.D.T.

