i'm still fairly new to motorcycles, but have been working on cars since before i could drive, so i'd like to think i pretty much know what's going on. i believe it has an aftermarket ignition coil, each carb has an individual air filter, and it has a slightly beat-up vance & hines "street megaphone" exhaust setup. as far as i know, everything else is stock.
i have two main questions. the first: is it normal for the idle to vary greatly between a cold and warm engine? if i set the idle to just barely above 1k RPM when i start it, after fully warmed up the idle will reach well over 3k unless i adjust it again. also, if i hold the clutch or put it in neutral when stopping, the idle will usually hover around 3500RPM for a good 5-10 seconds before dropping back down to normal.
second: at idle, and more noticeably once the engine is warmed up, there is a slight popping/puffing sound, and a small puff of smoke comes out of an air filter. each time this happens, the engine speed drops momentarily (meaning there's a misfire of some sort).
i'm hoping to completely disassemble/clean the carbs once the weather warms up a little, but i don't know where to find gasket/rebuild kits. i'm also not sure if rebuilding the carbs would fix these issues. any input on how or what to do to improve idle will be appreciated. and thanks for the patience with the long post...