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Which gas tank can I use for GS850?

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    Which gas tank can I use for GS850?

    Hey guys, this is my first post. My friend my98xplorer has been posting questions for my the last few weeks. My bikes at the shop having the carbs rebuilt. I work on my fuel injected cars but don't have the slightest clue about carburators (or how to even spell it :roll: )

    Anyways, I was looking into getting a new tank for the bike because of the little bit of rust in there.

    What year and model tanks would fit my '79 GS850? Thanks alot


    Any year after 79 for 850s should work. Also some GS1000 tanks may work too.


      GS850G/1000G/E NO "L" models should work up thru 81 In 82 mounting changed


        Depending on the amount of rust, and related damage, you may not need to replace the tank.

        The tank can be cleaned and relined, making it as good as new.

        There are chemical packages that let you do it yourself, or you can visit a radiator shop and ask about having it done professionaly.

        My recommendation is the latter, because of the hazards involved, witht he kits, and the VERY great need for proper ventilation, which often means you cannot do it in winter.

        In some cities there are companies that specialize in gas tank repairs. I have had contact with two in Toronto, and had the tank on my 1100G completely done.
        A take-away:


          Originally posted by argonsagas
          which often means you cannot do it in winter.
          What are you talking about, I just got sun burnt yesterday....hehe...I love Florida.

          Actually I have been debating this the past few months. I have been looking on ebay and tanks go for a lot less than I thought.

          Does any else agree with the years from Sq? Thanks for the reply.


            You have to make sure the tank mounts the same way 1st then make sure it is the same length. Some tanks look the same but because of the bike size maybe different lengths.


              Originally posted by TurboMustang
              Originally posted by argonsagas
              which often means you cannot do it in winter.
              What are you talking about, I just got sun burnt yesterday....hehe...I love Florida.

              Actually I have been debating this the past few months. I have been looking on ebay and tanks go for a lot less than I thought.

              Does any else agree with the years from Sq? Thanks for the reply.
              I doubt you'll find anyone who will disagree with Sqdancer. Few people I would follow blindly, Lynn and Earl are the exceptions. I recently found that the GK1100 tank is the same as the GS850 also.


                I would give strong consideration to cleaning and coating the tank you have. Even if you buy a tank off ebay you should do the same for it, unless it has already been coated. Any tank for your bike is going to be 25 years old on the inside regardless of it's exterior appearance. If an uncoated tank has not yet flaked off enough rust to mess up your carbs and possibly leave you stranded somewhere, it will; the only question is when.

                I consider coating the tank in the same category as making adjustments to the electrics, just one of the things you need to do when you get one of these beloved old bikes.
                Believe in truth. To abandon fact is to abandon freedom.

                Nature bats last.

                80 GS850G / 2010 Yamaha Majesty / 81 GS850G

