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'81 GS450T Problems

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    '81 GS450T Problems

    I have a '81 GS450T with some major problems. HeLp.!.!.!
    Mileage: 11223
    Work done: as far as I know carbs rebuilt ???? Work done by previous owner, so he said.

    Ok heres my prob. This bike is odd, maybe Im just not use to SUZUKI or what, (I had a 250NINJA Prior 2 GS450T) but this thing is really starting to hurt my head.

    1. If the bike sits on its kickstand for more than 5-10hrs the LEFT CARB. starts poppin VIOLANTLY when you start it. Any Idea's??

    2. The bike will idle when sitting. After you ride it around even just a couple blocks it will die, every stop sign. I have tried to adj. the throttle cable but it screws up the idle. It will idle if you control the throttle while riding, but once you let off, prepare for the whine down to a stop. This does not accour all the time though. . . HELP . .

    3. I have what appears to be oil-gas blowing all over the rear tire from the air box. This is my main concern. S.o.S_S.o.S_S.o.S

    4. Cam Chain Tensioner has light oil leak around it. Oil slowly drips off the end of the nob on the C.C.T. ArGh!.!.!

    5. Serious wear to the front left outter wall of the tire. Pulling to left, you have to steer right while in a lean turn left... not fun...

    Even after all these probs, exept 3, the bike runs strong sometimes. Then it just falls on its face. I really like the bike but I am torn at the moment between getting it fixed or selling it. Hope someone can help.

    Thanks in advance.

    first thing you need to do is fix the carbs The float needle O ring is probably bad and the carb is overflowing- gas on the rear tire
    YOU most likley have gas in the oil too.


      I would dip the carbs and rebuild them 1st thing. My '80 450S was giving me all sorts of trouble. I dipped the carbs put new floats, jets, o-rings, etc, and sync'd them. Runs like a dream now. My main issues were wouldn't idle right or die and gas spilling out a vent tube. Total cost, including the carb dip, was bout $80 (floats were the most expensive parts). New plugs never hurt anything either.

      As for the leak around the tensioner pull it off and get a new gasket, or like I did when I rebuilt the top end use RTV. Most of the guy's here hate RTV, but I have had no trouble with RTV in my years of engine work.

      Is it the rear tire or fromt tire pulling? If it it the rear tire you could have your wheel cocked by the chain adjustment, the bearings are out in your swing arm, or the spacers are installed wrong. If it is the front tire your bearing could be out, the spacers aren't right, possibly could be in the forks, or your brake could be grabbing (but you would notice if it was the brake). Could also be out of balance or the rim be bent.

      If you have a manual for this bike that will help you alot.


        Thanks for the replies..

        On the issue of "Dippin the Carbs".. after doing this will I have to resink the carbs?? If so is there a "Half Turn Here, Quarter Turn There" default?? Just worried about the SET screws ..

        On the Plugs.. I have checked the spark on the plugs, just by grounding the plug to the motor head, there is spark but not BRIGHT blue more of a faint REDISH blue?? Plugs...will replace.

        Tensioner Leak..will try the RTV..

        The Tire pulling is on the front.. I have installed a diff. rim/tire I got with the bike..alittle better not much..I have an extra set of front forks acts like the break is on but I removed it, same result...

        Gas in the oil..that is definately the mixure that is coming out of the air box..but how would GAS getting in the crank?? Rings, low sparking plugs lack of combustion??

        Manual..yeh I have some what of a manual.. kinda like the cheap autozone manuals for Ford Festivas.. so it dont help much..

        Are these model bikes blessed with excessive engine chatter?? A faint a valve or timing chain..

        Thx Again...


          My 450 has faint chatters. Always has even after a whole new top end, so I assume it is "normal". This is the only bike I has until tomorrow. Going top pick up a 85 450A I bought.


            Re 450


            There is a drain tube from the airbox which goes down to the center stand area. If the air filter element has been excessively oiled, and the carbs are loading up and backflowing, then you will get oil/gas mixture out this drain tube. Good luck!


              I had oil spill out from the crankcase breather tube that runs into the airbox. It had come loose when I reinstalled the carbs. Let me tell you coating the rear tire in oil makes for a fun ride home.....


                Re: Re 450

                Originally posted by austin81GS
                If the air filter element has been excessively oiled, and the carbs are loading up and backflowing, then you will get oil/gas mixture out this drain tube.
                There is no air filter in the air box. The oil n gas mixture shot out after a "POP" (backfire) in the Carbs. Course I wasnt aware of this until I tried to make a STOP. Slip n Slide... 8O
                Luckly I was only a couple blocks away from my home.

