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Saddle Bags won't fit, stupid giant blinkers...

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    Saddle Bags won't fit, stupid giant blinkers...

    My 84 1150es has blinkers that stick out about 5 inches and are mounted right where the saddle bags should be : ( I went lookin around the gallary and it looks like eveyone elses bikes have blinkers that are mounted on the license plate/taillight assembly. Where can I get some of those?? i really need to get some bags so i can ditch my car on a more permanent basis.

    If you get a gear sack style rack you wont need to turf the indicators!
    Talk to a wreckers they'll know what to fit onto where for half the cost.

    cheers katana


      Yeah, I know i can always get some kind of rack, but i still don't think the bags would fit aroiund the blinkers. Everyone else has their blinkers coming from further back off the license plate assembly, WHERE CAN I BUY ONE?? i don't want a goonie rack (no offense if you've got one), i want my bike to stay cool (...pony boy...) just with bags *sigh*

      Does anyone have a blinker assembly for sale?? or know where i can find them??


        I don't know how similar our bikes are, but I got a set of shorty blinkers with clear lenses from Dennis Kirk and I mounted them in the holes left by the removed reflectors on my tail piece. They are actually side markers not turn signals, but the connectors plug right up to the turn signal harness. Really cleans up the back of the bike. by the way I have a 79 GS 1000. They were about $20. I can get the part number if you need it.


          OK, I've finally figured out what's happening. I showed a picture of my bike to someone while looking for the mythical blinkers when he said that my bike had been modified by someone. Ah Ha! Now it all make sense (and no sense). Someone had totally removed the rear fender (which i didn't know was missing) and just put a little mud flap along with relocating the blinkers to a most stupid location. I can't for the life of me figure out why they moved the blinkers, i can't say that it looked bad or anything, but who the hell would go to all that trouble?? Ah but now the horrible part, my little bike died yesterday and I have no idea what to do. I'm fearing the worst, and i barely have any money to get it fixed , If there is anyone in seattle that likes working on bikes and or would let me help them out(i do have some money) I would love to hear from you (or if you know of someone)


            Don't give up yet. Your bike may, or may not, be truly dead. Many people on the Forum are used to resurrecting these bikes.....ask for help.

            Usually bikes have some symptoms when they die...(or seem to die).

            What did yours do to make you think it was dying, and what did it do afterwards?
            A take-away:


              I got some flush mount blinkers they look cool, more modern than the old stoplight binkers. only cost about 10 bux


                I cant relate to saddlebag problems because i use soft bags and only put them on when i am going to need the carrying space--But when you say stupid overgrown batwing signal lights that are great for hitch hicking skate boarders then i can relate


                  A little update-

                  Just got the bike looked over with this cool guy that the previous owners had recommended. I think it's a burned out/shorted stator that fried my regulator and the connectors along with it. But this guy happened to have an 84 1150es parts bike without the engine that he was about to drop in the dump. Well, it's still got the stock exhaust (which i really wanted because i can't drain the oil or use a centerstand currently ), and he thinks there's still a regulator and the connector that melted as well. I'm fairly certain that it's got all the body work as well, which I'll need to fix the holes from the blinker "relocation", which brings me to the hopeful fact that there should be the rear fender/blinker assembly as well. And then SADDLEBAGS!!



                    Stator eh? welcome to the wonderful world of GS electrics. And our saviour Electrex.

