In the strange world of coincidence, I'm trying to do just that at the moment, but am having some problems finding information on what's required exactly.
At the moment, I have an outer casing and a straight inner tube with holes in it, but no baffles. This is just the way the bike came from the previous owner.
I would like to keep the outer casing, just for looks.
I have seen one site which says to make a baffle which fills the inner tube, and has a hole in the middle of it (effectively a washer the same size as the inner exhaust tube). They recommend mounting this baffle on a swivel so that it can be turned through 90 degrees and fixed between fully filling the inner tube at one extreme, and being effectively straight through at the other extreme, and then playing with the angle it is set at to get the best compromise between noise and power by road testing.
What they don't answer is:
1. Should the inner tube have holes in it so that the exhaust gases spill out into the outer casing at the baffle, and are then forced back into the inner tube where it joins up with the outer casing at the end, or should it rely solely on the hole in the middle plus the clearance which depends on the angle it is set at ?
2. How far along the inner tube should the baffle be set ? The whole muffler is 24" long. Should the baffle be at the front, the back, or somewhere in between ?
Any help would be greatly appreciated, not least because a replacement is around $450 around here
