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1980 GS 850 L Carb maybe petcock issue

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    1980 GS 850 L Carb maybe petcock issue

    Ok I hate to be the one that asks another carb question but i'm stumped, I have recently bought a 80' model gs 850 L. Ok. When I Bought it the petcock that was on it appeared to be broken I.E. nothing to turn only little white thing on inside that small screwdriver would turn, i turned in complete circles both ways and gas never came from the tank. So, hehe here is the great part i have several gs's in my bacyard, i've become a bit of a junky. So I take the tank off of my 81 GS 750 with TSCC motor i might add, super fun bike. anyway i took the tank off it and put on the 850. as soon as I turn the gas on with the little turn nob thingy ma du hicky. Gas comes pouring from my carbs. Carbs have been recently rebuilt. I'm not quite sure what the routing of the fuel lines are, i have a inlet between 1&2 and 3&4 i assume these are the fuel line inlets????, there is also an inlet between 2&3 what is this, where does it go? to. when i swap the "fuelines around the opposite side leaks, is this a petcock issue? I also need a diagram for what goes what on vaccum lines and fuel lines i think that could possibly be part of the problem, thanks guys i know you will all be a big help. and sorry for the huge post

    The 'fuel lines' between 1&2 and 3&4 are not fuel lines; they are overflow/ breather pipes. The fuel line in the centre, ie. between 2&3 is the fuel line. Vacuum line from the rear of the fuel tap goes to the stub on top of #2 cylinder's intake manifold.



      Re: 1980 GS 850 L Carb maybe petcock issue

      Originally posted by loghomeartist
      Ok I hate to be the one that asks another carb question but i'm stumped, I have recently bought a 80' model gs 850 L. Ok. When I Bought it the petcock that was on it appeared to be broken I.E. nothing to turn only little white thing on inside that small screwdriver would turn, i turned in complete circles both ways and gas never came from the tank. So, hehe here is the great part i have several gs's in my bacyard, i've become a bit of a junky. So I take the tank off of my 81 GS 750 with TSCC motor i might add, super fun bike. anyway i took the tank off it and put on the 850. as soon as I turn the gas on with the little turn nob thingy ma du hicky. Gas comes pouring from my carbs. Carbs have been recently rebuilt. I'm not quite sure what the routing of the fuel lines are, i have a inlet between 1&2 and 3&4 i assume these are the fuel line inlets????, there is also an inlet between 2&3 what is this, where does it go? to. when i swap the "fuelines around the opposite side leaks, is this a petcock issue? I also need a diagram for what goes what on vaccum lines and fuel lines i think that could possibly be part of the problem, thanks guys i know you will all be a big help. and sorry for the huge post
      The T fitting between carbs 2 & 3 just above the bowls twords the rear of the carb THIS! is your fuel inlet, the long tubes from T fitting beteen carbs 1 & 2 and 3 & 4, THESE are vent lines and are routed up and over the air box and the ends go in a slot behind and on the right side of the air box, There is also a line that attaches to the brass tube on the front of and just below the choke linkage, this is your vacume port for your petcock.Now the petcock, the pri position on this petcock (slot up an down) JUSTS blocks a bleed port, you apply suction for a sec and gas should flow, blocking of the bleed keeps the do hicky inside the petcock from returning to shut off the gas, putting this slot horozontal(-) allows the petcock to shut off the gas when no vacume is present.


        wow i was wayyyyyy off eh

        ok so just to make sure i got ya right, on the petcock, i should keep the slot verticle? up nad down? or horizontal side to side?, oh yea and i was reading about the gs rally? can somebody give me a phone number of somebody i can call to get the lilttle details?, ok and one other question, on the petcock there is the big hole, i know that is fuel line, the other one by the big hole is a small hole where would this hose go?


          The smaller hose connection on the petcock is for the vacuum line that runs to nipple on the #2 carb on the intake side


            IT'S ALIVE !!!!!

            ok just got it running woooohoooo. Ok, now that the basics have been figured out. My bike has the baffles removed so in a sence the bike is straigt piped. It has uni filters on it. The guy I got the carbs from said the carbs had been rejetted???? seems like i'm not getting enough fuel to the carbs because when I get down on the throttle the bike bogs and spits and pops. Is this more than likely a jetting issue? or is the L shaped piece of plastic that connects one fuel hose to the other that runs into the fuel inlet just starving the motor? or is it possible that since its a bit chilly outside the bike just wasn't all the way warmed up? I know that on my 750 the bike runs rather crappy until its warmed up then like it had never missed a lick will finally just take off. I am leaning towards possible jet issue. can anybody concur with that? I'm almost there I can taste the wind already. thank you guys so much for your help and input, i'm so glad i've found a community that caters to my GS fetish.


              Can the GS petcock be replaced with a conventional petcock? Left=off, down=on, right=reserve?



                The petcocks used on the 1980 models are junk and have been discussed zillions of times on the forum (do a search for more info.) The Japsters figured it out, too, and only used them for one year. The reason they came up with them in the first place is because most of the 1980 models have very little clearance in that area.

                On my bike, the only petcock I ever found that will fit in such a small area is the Pingel.....and it is a very, very tight fit. It has to be positioned just right in order to be able to be turned off and on.

                I had to do slight modifications but I outlined the whole process on a previous message.......
                1980 GS1100E....Number 15!

