first off, the first time i went to check the bike out, it would barely run. it backfired very badly and wouldnt rev up smooth at all until about 4K rpm.
second time i checked the bike out, they said they took it up and down the street a little bit and it was idling decently and would rev up OK, not perfectly but a ton better than before, from idle.
so now i have it at home and still havnt ridden it on the street but when its idling it will sometimes miss out if ur giving it past 1/2 throttle from idle.
i havent really done much work to it yet. but i did notice after it had been runnin for a while... that the cyl head fins farthest to the right side of the bank (im assuming #4?) were touchable...pretty warm but touchable.
but...the cyl farthest to the left (#1?) was burning hot.
im assuming its gettin a lean mix through that carb.
my friends are tellin me just to run it and 'knock the cobwebs outa it' to clean it out...but if its gettin too hot in there from being too lean, it can cause damage like detonation and stuff like that.
what do u guys think? does it sound like im due for a carb rebuild?
ps, my exhaust pipe on the left side has more fluctuation in it than my right side...kinda tellin me its a prob with one of the left 2 cyls'