A little history. V&H rebuilt/welded my clutch and basket. They installed aftermarket (brand unknown) fiber plates, 8 of them I believe. I wanted genuine Suzuki but forgot to mention that.
I soon found out that I could no longer use 20/50 oil because the clutch dragged. I switched to 10/40 and the clutch works fine. I would still like to replace them with genuine Suzuki plates sometime so I can use 20/50 oil in the summer.
My problem is, for whatever reason, the aftermarket fibers are .17" thick. My Suzuki manual says the Suzuki plates are about .11" thick. The total difference in the 8 plates is then .48" 8O. I went to V&H yesterday to say I wanted to switch back to Suzuki plates. They said I could but I have to retain the EXACT total thickness I have now (fibers and steels). Mathematically, this won't work, no matter how I add things up. To try to retain the same thickness, I would have to add 2 more Suzuki fibers and 2 steels (steels are about .10" thick) and I still would be off. If I added 3 more of each, I'm way over.
I don't even know if you CAN add plates. I asked V&H how did they get an equal number of thicker aftermarket plates in my basket and they said something about the back of the clutch must have been modified (material removed?)
It's been 5 years since my rebuild and V&H says they don't remember what was done to the clutch, which I can understand. I only know that I guess I can't go back to genuine Suzuki plates now.
Can anyone tell me why aftermarket plates are thicker? Can anyone measure a new Suzuki fiber plate and tell me if they are really about .11 thick? I'm only going by my manual, I've never measured a Suzuki plate.
Has anyone ever heard that the rear of the clutch basket has to be modified to accept thicker plates? If so, why? Seems easier to just make all plates the same thickness and not have to modify anything. I'm totally confused about this whole thing.