The bike is running fairly well, but it is still hard to get a consistant idle. Of course, the pilot needles aren't very adjusted, and I haven't balanced the carbs. I would like to make these adjustments, but am not sure how to proceed.
Which do I do first, play with the needles adjusting idle mixture, or balance the carbs? (Or, must I iterate between them?)
How do I adjust the idle mixture? How do I know when it is set right?
I understand that you balance by measuring static pressure in the throat at idle speed. I would rather not buy a balancing kit. Since I have the dual throat carbs, I can only adjust the left bank vs. right bank. (as if I only had two carbs) I was thinking of rigging up some clear tube to the pressure ports on each bank. With some water in the bottom of the tube, pressure differences would show as differences in height of the water. Since the carbs are pulling against one another, the risk of sucking the fluid through the engine is minimized. With this setup, one should be able to balance the carbs at speed. Is there any benefit to this?
Are there any other adjustments I need to make? If so, how do I do them, and in what order/combination with the other adjustments.
Thanks in advance,