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Wiring Harness disaster

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    Wiring Harness disaster

    Let me begin by thanking God that this website exists. Now let me get into the problems I am having.

    I recently acquired a 1981 GS 850 L which I plan on fixing up and riding. It has been left out in the elements for about 8 years now, and shows it. Apparently it had electrical problems, because there is a harness just under where the tank and seat meet that has been fried beyond recognition. Also many wires are disconnected, and some appear to be cut off.

    My question is this: Would it be better to try to rewire this thing, or should I try to find a new wiring system for it. If I should get a new wiring system, where would a person find one of these?


    If you can read a simple schematic and do basic soldering etc. you should be able to repair the harness. All the wires are color coded so it's not to hard. Open up the harness, cut out the damaged area one wire at a time and solder in new wires. Protect the repairs with heat shrink tubing and you should be in good shape. It 's not too hard but will be tedious for sure.


      What part of country you refereing to that it was left out in elements for 8 years?

      I suspect that after you repair the obviously fried part of the wiring harness, that there will be other damaged/fried parts that you didnt see. And then there will also be other areas (connectors) that are corroded.

      Sometimes can find a complete wiring harness on ebay after somebody has parted out most everything else on a donor bike.
      Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
      GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl


        I would look for another harness


          I have no problem with pulling harnesses apart , but , given your description of what you actually have, I would take Lynn's advice.

          Replace it.
          Bertrand Russell: 'Men are born ignorant, not stupid. They are made stupid by education.'



            I'll go with the replacement harness. I assume that I can use an '82 harness on an '81 bike...


              I assume that I can use an '82 harness on an '81 bike...
              Always check the parts fiche before buying. This is a good one:
              It looks like suzuki changed something on the harness from 81 to 82. there's different part numbers & the drawing looks different. Looks like you should limit your search to 80-81



                Location .... location .... location

                Hey there... pop over to your profile and fill in your location... It'd be a laugh if the 850 is the one I see with the tarp over it next to the video store!


                  It is located in Esat Texas. Turns out its actually an '82 according to the manuf. date of 11/81. My brother in law owned it, but bought it when it didn't run, planning on rebuilding it himself. My brother in law is an idiot that can barely tie his own shoes, so I talked him into letting it go at a reasonable price (pronounced "free"). I plan on fixing it up and selling or trading up at a later date.

                  Originally posted by REDMAN
                  What part of country you refereing to that it was left out in elements for 8 years?

                  I suspect that after you repair the obviously fried part of the wiring harness, that there will be other damaged/fried parts that you didnt see. And then there will also be other areas (connectors) that are corroded.

                  Sometimes can find a complete wiring harness on ebay after somebody has parted out most everything else on a donor bike.


                    Re: Location .... location .... location

                    Originally posted by antca
                    Hey there... pop over to your profile and fill in your location... It'd be a laugh if the 850 is the one I see with the tarp over it next to the video store!
                    ...pop over to your profile and fill in your location...It'd be a laugh if the 850 is the one you see with the tarp over it next to the video store! ...and it's nice to know where other members are from too.


