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Serious Help Needed

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    Serious Help Needed

    I have been working on an old 81' GS650e, i picked up in OK condition, but it had a few modifications on it that i don't know about,
    first, the air intake system was replaced with a "PVC" intake and air filter mechanism, i think that this has something to do with the fact that the carbs gush with gasoline after I start the bike for a bit, maybe the engine is getting too much air, there is a good seal between the PVC and the intake side of the carburater, but as i said gasloine pours out of it after the engine runs a bit. There are some loose hoses coming out of the top of the engine block, if that has anything to do with it, maybe a vacuum system? Any help would be apreciated in fixing this thing so i can get it on the road soon. I can give more detail if someone has any ideas. :twisted:


    Gas gushing out shouldn't be related to your air intake.
    If it's gushing out while it's running, could be a loose fuel tube between the carbs, or float heights are way off?
    Can you tell where the Gas is "GUSHING" from?

    I'm not that familiar with that year, but the dynamics are all pretty much similar. You have a vaccuum hose from (my bike)#2 carb. THis opens the petcock to allow fuel to flow to your inlet. Then there is a fuel tube that goes between each carb. THese have an O-Ring to seal. Gas flows into and thru each carb.

    The loose hoses are probably the carb Atmosphere vents. Again, not sure what carbs you have. But mine have 2 vents.

    So, I only see gas gushing from maybe 4 places.
    1. Fuel line is cracked or loose.
    2. A fuel tube between the carbs is leaking.
    3. Float heights - (I'm not sure if that would effect it while running?)
    4. Float bowl is leaking (I would think this would leak all the time though?)

    Make sure your petcock is in the RUN position and NOT the PRIME position.


      Could also be that the float doesn't float anymore. That was alot of words for a bad float.


        could be bad petcock, also.


          the hose coming out the top of the block sounds like the engine vent line to me. I have pod filters on my bike, and I ran a longer hose to that and ran it down the frame under the battery box since this would normally hook into the back of the stock airbox wich i don't have. Don't plug this hose off as the motor will not have a vent if you do. As for the carbs I recomend takeing them off and giving them a good clean, i had the same problem, and after getting in the carbs i discovered not only were they nasty and gunked up, but my floats were not set at all, so set the float height, if you discover you floats are no good i have some extra ones that i can send to you if you think they would be helpful.


            Originally posted by jayrbaker
            Could also be that the float doesn't float anymore. That was alot of words for a bad float.
            Doh. I had that in a riding lawn mower a while back.. ...

