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Engine won't rotate past TDC.

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    Engine won't rotate past TDC.

    The engine I am rebuilding will not rotate past TDC on either cylinder (only a 2 cylinder engine). This came about after installing the cams. I double checked to make sure the cams were installed properly, one intake valve has more than .1 mm clearance. Could this be the issue?

    If it won't rotate past TDC on one cylinder, how do you know it won't on the other (since it won't get past the first one)? Maybe I'm missing something here. 0.1mm valve clearance? Do you mean at the stem?

    It sounds like you have the cams in wrong. The exhaust valve is opening thinking its at BDC on the exhaust stroke and you are at TDC on compression and it's hitting.


      I rotate clock wise and it stops at TDC on one cylinder and then rotate counter clockwise and it stops at TDC on the other cylinder. In the clearance I am talking about the shim to rocker clearance.


        Ok, then I stand by my prognosis. Ill bet if you look at the exhaust valve on both cyliners it's opening when they are at TDC.


          Yeah, I am a dumb a$$. I read the manual wrong on cam installation. I read it as you point the arrow w/the 1 beside it upwards. I read that thing 3 times and kept reading it the same way. You put the arrow pointing towards the front of the engine with the arrow even with the gasket surface or 1-2mm below.


            The one with the 1 on it is the exhaust cam....the arrow goes towards the front of the bike.
            The one withe the 2 and 3 on it is the intake cam.
            These 1,2,3 marks should be read from the right side of the bike.
            Make sure you readjust the cam chain tensioner.
            Make sure everything is free and clear before trying to fire it.

            Dr. Dre

