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Question about leaking forkes, Gas milage??

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    Question about leaking forkes, Gas milage??

    Hi I have a 79 GS850G as most of you probably alreay know from all my questions. I replaced my oils seals in the forks when they blew last year and after 2 miles the new seals blew. My fork tubes are pretty pitted so I figured thats why I lost the new seals. My father worked his magic on them but unfortunatly it sis not help. Is there anything I can do short of replacing them? Also I was wondering what kind of miles per gallon I should be expecting?? The bike needs a carb synk but other than that runns pretty good once warm but on the other hand I tend to be a bit heavy on the throttle so what do you think? If better than my 32MPG Toyota then at these gas prices I will start riding the bike to work but if worse I guess I get to keep driving the car. Thanks

    I had the same prob with my forks,useing a very fine emery paper and water I gently rubbed the area down,that was 4000 miles ago and not a trace of oil showing.


      I guess I should have mentioned there are some pretty ptonounced pits in the tubes. Do you think that will still work? I know my father used several diferent devices designed to smoth out and polish mettle stuff such as this with no luck


        Leaking Forks

        On another post on this site, someone recommended filling the pits with JB Weld and sanding it off then polish. I'm in the process of fixing my forks in this manner. I just applied the JB Weld this morning and will let sit overnight. Tomorrow, I will sand and polish. Will let you know how it comes out.

