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yet another petcock question

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    yet another petcock question

    I have a 84 1100gl. I had a petcock that wouldn't turn off and filled my crankcase. I read somewhere in these forums about making the lever on your petcock go straight up to stop fuel flow. I took the plate off the front that has the small tab on it that stops the lever from going right around. I reinstalled it end turned the lever to see if this would work. In the process I ended up twisting the clip or spring at the back of the plastic piece that selects the fuel flow. Is this an important piece or can you gett away without having it? Can it be replaced with something else? Any advice or ideas accepted.

    i think cycle recycle sells new petcocks and rebuild kits for you bike


      thanks but I'm looking for a way to fix this cheap and quick. I may buy a different petcock down the road. I can't spend any more on this bike it has nickel and dimed me to death and I still haven't been able to ride it much.



        I had the same problem with my crancases filling up from the faulty petcock.
        I replaced it with a petcock kit and guess what! It did it to me again!
        No more! I put a on/off tap from the line running from the petcock to the carbs, Now my crancases are filled with oil instead of gas.


          That spring is what controls the prime position. When the petcock is turned to prime, the ramp on the plastic piece makes that spring push the diaphragm out, letting gas flow without vacuum. Breaking it means you don't have prime.
          Really the only downside is that if you ever truly run out of gas, it might take longer to restart since you're relying on miminal cranking vacuum to open the diaphragm. Of course, that means more wear on the battery, starter and ultimately the stator/RR (having to recharge the battery).

          How do I know this? I did it myself.

          So, you can keep doing it this way, turning the lever up, or replace the whole thing with a Pingel and not worry about it again.


            Thanks. That makes sense. Now if I remove the diaphram I should have an on off switch for fuel, right? Will my reserve still function? Lastly, which way is the valve inside the petcock supposed to be? What holes are supposed to be up in the run position? Thanks in advance.


              I wouldn't remove the diaphragm, it's also a gasket between the two halves of the petcock.
              If you take the petcock out and look at the screen, it should be clearer which side is which. Basically, that screen is two seperate chambers. One "wall" is higher than the other. The one with the higher wall is normal operation. When the fuel gets low enough to not make it over the wall, the bike stalls (usally while trying to leave a 'just turned green' signal, jolts to a stop, wracking the nads and causing you to drop the bike on your left middle toe, then getting run over by a Mack truck with a full load of cement.... oh look, something shiny! What were we talking about?).
              Oh... umm, the one with the lower wall is reserve. There's two holes in the bottom of the screen (and there's also two holes in most wom...STOP IT!). IIRC, it'll only fit in the petCOCK one way, 'cuz the tubes are different lengths too. From there you should be able to decipher which way the plastic piece goes in, though I thought there's really only one. Put it in upside down and you get nothing, which is I guess kinda what you'd want if you remove the diaphragm.


                so, i went to all the trouble of doing this and the petcock still allows feul to run when it is in the turned up position. I'm pretty ripped off. Does anyone know a specific place i can buy a cheap valve to use as a feul shut off.



                  READ MY LAST POST.


                    Well, I read your last post and it still doesn't tell me where i can buy a valve.


                      Petcock rebuild kit for $22!!

                      My local dealer got a K&L petcock rebuild kit for $22 for me. EVERY gasket in the petcock!


                        Al, if you want a cheap valve, try a lawnmower shop. Be warned that they probably don't flow a whole lot, so putting one on a thirsty liter+ bike might not work well.
                        If you want it right, do a search here for Pingel. It's more expensive, but it'll fix you up.


                          tap switch

                          My local bike shop has the on/off tap.
                          If you cant find one, let me know and I will go ahead and get you one and about 24" of excellant fuel line. (24" is too long, but they only sell it in 12")
                          Let me know. I think it was approx $13 and fuel line is $3.
                          So much cheaper than dropping the oil every 5 mins due to the gas in there......................


                            I know this is probably getting to be a redundant post but it just did it to me too!! I rebuilt the petcock last sunday, didn't ride all week cuz of rain... start it up today and it was running rich, checked the oil for haha's and.. DAMN Gas in the oil AGAIN... I'm not convinced the rebuild kit helped at all... before it was the reserve not working.. so either I put it in bad or parts are too far gone where can I get a good picture of the breakdown of the petcock so I can make sure I put it back together again... the kit had no instructions... Help I want to ride SUNDAY!!


                              Heck with it, ordered a new assembly from the dealer today, and put a shutoff on it temporary.... no more fule in the case, it wouldn't be that big a deal, just change the oil.. but with the 4 in 1 under the plug it's a pain... won't happen again!!

