My 83 GS1100G has always resisted starting when cold, and even when warmed up the starter motor will strain to restart the bike under certain conditions. Initially I thought that the starter might be binding, or that the electrical connection from the starter relay might be the culprit, but Skreemer, Nerobro, and I checked the wiring (as well as jumping the starter directly from a fresh 12V source) and found no problem there.
I have discovered over time that if I don't use the choke and don't twist the throttle the engine will turn over VERY slowly and resist starting, BUT if I choke it completely (even when warm) and twist the throttle very slightly the motor turns over freely and generally starts pretty easily.
It was suggested that poorly synced carbs could cause this situation, and that by twisting the throttle I am eliminating an uneven vacuum issue. The bike seems to idle and perform pretty well when it's running, so I never considered a carb sync to be a possible solution here.
Now that I've bored you all with a long description of the problem, my question is whether anyone else has experienced similar starting problems and whether a carb sync solved it. Also, is there anything else I might be missing? The previous owner of the bike told me that he had replaced the starter at least once or twice with no improvement in the starting routine, so I'm doubtful that the starter motor itself is faulty.
Opinions are appreciated, and thanks in advance!!
Steve 8)