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79' GS1000 problems...

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    I don't know which ignition that is either. But they all adjust basically the same.
    From your video, the bike shows classic lean mixture symptoms, with the possibility of poor spark/poor timing added to the problem. I gaurantee you the bike is running lean.
    It's difficult to set the timing when the bike is running so badly because the timing marks jump around. Maybe you can rotate the plate and see if the bike runs better? You can make felt marker marks and always return it to where it is if you want. Or, if you can hold the advance mechanism in the advanced position, you can do a static timing check by using the spark plug spark and viewing the timing marks. Just rotate the motor with 19 mm nut and make sure the timing marks line up correctly when the plug fires. Adjust if needed. Then hold the advance in full advance, and check that the advance timing marks line up when the plug fires. A static check is not as accurate as a timing light check with the motor running, but the bike will run decent. I suggest you follow the static check with a timing light check.
    What's odd about your ignition is I don't see where you have seperate adjustment for 1/4 and 2/3 cylinders? It does look like the plate's been moved almost all the way in one direction.
    If it was my bike, and my time, I would do a complete carb check/clean and rebuild first. Your carbs need service. Also, inspect the manifolds and/or o-rings. Buy new manifold o-rings for sure. Before re-installing, check the currect jetting and get info from other 29 smoothbore owners so you can at least get an idea where you're at. Then I would focus on the ignition and I bet it would be much easier to set, if that ignition unit is working right.
    And on the seventh day,after resting from all that he had done,God went for a ride on his GS!
    Upon seeing that it was good, he went out again on his ZX14! But just a little bit faster!


      First off, Keith and everyone else, thanks for sticking with me this far....

      I did go ahead and clean the carbs really well the other day, when I pulled them to check the jets again...So they should be decent at this point...

      I made a new little clip today of the bike idling and reving just a bit to show the improvement. It does run better, but like I said before, I still think there's power missing...

      Here's the vid...Its about 4.2 Mb

      While I was looking the ingition over yesterday, I decided to follow some wires out, and found this...

      That sure doesnt look right, or safe. That wire come from the ignition, and is soldered to the orange/red wire on that plug. Could this part of the conversion to this electrical ignition?

      I am going to get a timing light tonight and check the timing on it.

      I am going to see about writing V&H an email here in a minute to ask them what jetting they recommend for the setup...

      I think if it comes down to it, I am gonne strap my little camera to my helmet and let you guys see how it accelerates and rides. Then maybe I will get a better idea about how it runs...


        I just was checking V&H's site, and came across thisabout their 4 into 1 pipes...

        GS1000 PRE '80 ->Remove the stock airbox lid and increase the main jet to a 117.5 or 120. Adjust
        fuel screws one to two turns from fully seated.
        So I do have 120's in there, so the jettingshould be correct I guess....?


          hey guys sorry i slipped off, i just picked this post back up, first thing to say is congrats on the 29 mm smoothbore carbs, theses are high performance carbs and very expensive if you find a set on ebay, i was lucky as well and got a bike with a set, let me share the info i have found for theses carbs.

          look at the bottom table, that should be the base settings to set your carbs up to, follow the gs1000 row,

          here is a link to a pdf copy of a carb tune book that has the 29mm in it, that i had scanned a while back

          this is a 9 mg file and right click save as and download it that way or it will lock your computer.

          One thing i notice is the air filters your using, i feel these emgo/prosport brand pod filters are CRAP! i believe in my book they recomend K and N brand filters, i would recomend these as well. Thats what i will be running on my 1000 with 29mm smoothies, i have tried these emgo type fitlers you have on my rejetted 550 and found they restrict more air flow then the k and n's. (emgos reduce the size of the carb mouths intake) this will baddly lean out a carb at the top end that wants to flow more fuel and isn't allowed because the filters are choking them. i would defitly go with the recomend type of k and n's (RC-1070) and not some cheap non-specfic carb fitler. like i said these are high performance carbs that were speciflly used on 78/79 1000 bikes, so if you go with all the setting i have posted then you bike should run pretty damn good with out fine tunning.

          double check your stuff to this info posted then get back to us so we can help you tune. At this moment i can't say how well these settings work since my bike's still unfinished but it does fire up and rev's high with the 29 sb's untuned, shims outta wack and timing no set yet. so think you will be very happy once it gets sorted out. and i am running the basic setting recomend in this info.

          also try running the biek with out the filter you have and see how that works.

          oh yeah don't worry about your 4 into 1, those carbs will be able to handel that pipe no problem, and the v and h website doesn't apply to the stuff you have so don't even worry about what they say, these 29's are designed to run rich with no air box, no filter, or with velocity stacks, or high flow pods and a high flow minimal restriction 4 into 1 exhaust

          please disregaurd any info you have found that deals with OEM carbs that info doesn't even come close to working out with the carbs you have.

          it's funny my bike does the same thing right now will only run with about 1/4 choke when its warm, if i try to kill the choke even at high rpms it will still stall out.

          and yes choke lever pulled up is choke on, pushed down is choke off.

          78 GS1000 Yosh replica racer project
          82 Kat 1000 Project
          05 CRF450x
          10 990 ADV-R The big dirt bike

          P.S I don't check PM to often, email me if you need me.


            ryan, just wondering...I mentioned this to you a long time ago but you never replied: I could swear the 29's for Suzuki's and Kawa's need a 1.5 throttle valve cutaway. Not 2.0 Honda uses the 2.0.(?) My V&H mechanic agreed with me. I also saw some 29's on E-bay jetted for Suzuki and the seller specifically mentioned the cutaways were 1.5. So I don't know what to think of the website you showed listing the 2.0 slides used for Suzuki's. :? Have you asked them to verify this??
            The jetting transition from the pilot circuit to the needle circuit would be terrible with the wrong slide.
            And on the seventh day,after resting from all that he had done,God went for a ride on his GS!
            Upon seeing that it was good, he went out again on his ZX14! But just a little bit faster!


              JxxxOxxxE, yes that mess of wiring is related to the aftermarket ignition. Looks shabby to me. I would completely check/clean or replace the connections everywhere.
              Disregard any jetting info that's related to the stock carbs.
              Compare your jetting set up to the chart ryan provided. I wouldn't have a better guess where to start. I still question the cutaway size though.
              And on the seventh day,after resting from all that he had done,God went for a ride on his GS!
              Upon seeing that it was good, he went out again on his ZX14! But just a little bit faster!


                From the sound of your latest video, it does sound weak and lacking power. To tell you the truth, it sounds like a cylinder may be coming and going. The idle fluctuates. Could be spark, could be fuel related. Could be compression related???
                It doesn't sound obviously lean as before.
                If that wiring harness shot is any indication of the rest of the bikes condition, it could be anything or an accumulation of things.
                I have to stress, in the interest of less frustration and less work, a bike in this condition needs a total basic maintenance go over. If you skip any little thing, whatever you do after that can/will be useless in troubleshooting. I know you've done some things, but it's best to be thorough and do things in order and completely. We're not sure exactly what you've done. We request/suggest something, and you don't come back with complete info. For example, you say you cleaned the carbs, but don't tell us about any o-ring condition, float level check, etc. Any little thing can cause the problem. We need all the info as you progress. This helps us "be there" with you. To keep us all up to date, a list of things you've done might help. We can then provide more info to help you.
                I gotta get to work now, but a quick thought about all four cylinders firing...when you start the bike up, have you tried removing a plug at a time to see if it effects rpm? What is the quality of the spark? At VERY FIRST start up, can you feel equal heat at all four pipes? Talk to you later.
                And on the seventh day,after resting from all that he had done,God went for a ride on his GS!
                Upon seeing that it was good, he went out again on his ZX14! But just a little bit faster!


                  hi Keith, i pulled that chart from sudco, so i just assumed they knew what they were talking about, for the life of me i can't remember what size cutaways i have in the bike now too, i think it was 1.5 cause i rember saying oh man now i need to shell out 75 bucks 4 times for new cutaways. i won't be able to check the size of them for while i have a bunch of other maintiance to do on the bike right now before i can worry about tuning the bike.

                  i just dug through my sudco manel they has some settings listed for a gs 1100 w/ 29's and that bike is running 1.5 cutaways 140 mains and 20 pilot jets everything elese matchs the the chart above. so maybe sudco just messed up, maybe our friend here can tell us what cutaways he has.

                  i was going over some of my notes on what i wrote down about my carbs and my mains are a little bigger 117.5 the pilots are teh same (25) and the needle jet is the same (0.6), i wasn't able to get the air jets out so i don't know what size they are i just cleaned them real good and made sure carb spray shot out other holes when i sprayed in there.

                  Kieth would you mind giving sudco a call about these carbs and the cutaway, you seem a little more competent in how carbs work.

                  i figured i would give my bike a try when it is all fixed up and see how the carbs are working, i was told they worked real good on my bike back in the day, and i don't think anyone touched them consideing the amout of gunk and dirt in them before i cleaned them.

                  i hope this helps.

                  maybe sooner or later we can set up a 29mm smooth bore setting in the oem carbs setting in letters to the editor.

                  78 GS1000 Yosh replica racer project
                  82 Kat 1000 Project
                  05 CRF450x
                  10 990 ADV-R The big dirt bike

                  P.S I don't check PM to often, email me if you need me.


                    Originally posted by JxxxOxxxE
                    First off, Keith and everyone else, thanks for sticking with me this far....

                    While I was looking the ingition over yesterday, I decided to follow some wires out, and found this...

                    That sure doesnt look right, or safe. That wire come from the ignition, and is soldered to the orange/red wire on that plug. Could this part of the conversion to this electrical ignition?
                    Yikes, I'd wrap that up with some electrical tape ASAP!

                    Dm of mD


                      Carb tune

                      there is a very interesting item in the (i know, i know) beemer air head
                      site about making your own carb tune tool for 4 bucks! i haven't tried it yet
                      (just married off a daughter) but i will. what have i got to lose besides 4 bucks. here is the link if you want to try it.

                      2 gs1000, parts aquisition in progress.


                        Ryan, I'm pretty sure I'm correct about the cutaway sizes. You would think Sudco would know, but I'll bet if you ask, the person answering the phone might just look at that same page and tell you what he sees. I'm not sure how to prove it. Maybe Mikuni Corp. themselves? If Sudco's chart is wrong, that's a major screw up. A Suzuki/Kawa' would never run right.
                        ALL VM equipped Suzuki's and Kawa's use the 1.5 slides in the stock carbs. I see no reason the "aftermarket" 29's would be any different. Honda uses the 2.0 slides, so their chart is off. Yes, the slides are expensive, so you have to know the parts inside before buying. I visited Sudco a couple years ago and they told me parts are getting rare, especially the slides. The person behind the desk said even HE 8O was having trouble rebuilding his set of 29's. I decided right there to give up my quest for these carbs. Only if I found a very clean set, preferably the coveted "pre-jetted for the Motorcyclist GS1000 project bike by V&H", would I try them. Just too much hassle. These are the best carbs for all around performance for the 1000 though. By far.
                        And on the seventh day,after resting from all that he had done,God went for a ride on his GS!
                        Upon seeing that it was good, he went out again on his ZX14! But just a little bit faster!

