From your video, the bike shows classic lean mixture symptoms, with the possibility of poor spark/poor timing added to the problem. I gaurantee you the bike is running lean.
It's difficult to set the timing when the bike is running so badly because the timing marks jump around. Maybe you can rotate the plate and see if the bike runs better? You can make felt marker marks and always return it to where it is if you want. Or, if you can hold the advance mechanism in the advanced position, you can do a static timing check by using the spark plug spark and viewing the timing marks. Just rotate the motor with 19 mm nut and make sure the timing marks line up correctly when the plug fires. Adjust if needed. Then hold the advance in full advance, and check that the advance timing marks line up when the plug fires. A static check is not as accurate as a timing light check with the motor running, but the bike will run decent. I suggest you follow the static check with a timing light check.
What's odd about your ignition is I don't see where you have seperate adjustment for 1/4 and 2/3 cylinders? It does look like the plate's been moved almost all the way in one direction.
If it was my bike, and my time, I would do a complete carb check/clean and rebuild first. Your carbs need service. Also, inspect the manifolds and/or o-rings. Buy new manifold o-rings for sure. Before re-installing, check the currect jetting and get info from other 29 smoothbore owners so you can at least get an idea where you're at. Then I would focus on the ignition and I bet it would be much easier to set, if that ignition unit is working right.