I am looking to replace the tires on my 82 GS650G. The tires it currently has are Dunlop Gold Seal K627 in back and F11 in front.
My problem is the rear tire is a 120/90 17. This is apparently an odd size because it is difficult finding tires in this size. The tires I have found are Cheng Shin, Bridgstone Battlax BT45, and one dealer said they could get a Dunlop K155 in this size. I know the Cheng Shin's are questionable quality (some poeple like them, some don't), but I am unfamiliar with the Bridgestone's or the K155. Has anyone had experience with either of these two tires on a GS?
One dealer was trying to get me to buy a 130/90 17 but I am leary. He was telling me the 120/90 17 was the same size as stock and the 130/90 17 is one size over. Can anyone verify this for me? I was thinkning the 120/90 was already one size over. I think the larger tire will fit but I don't think I want to go more than one size bigger.
He has an Avon AM21 for about $105. Anybody tried one of these?
I would appreciate it if anyone out there that has a "midsize" GS could share what tire sizes and brand they are running. If people are running 130/90's on 650G's with good results I will probably go with that size. Thanks in advance for any help, I've been looking at tires for tooo long. #-o