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Head Gasket

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    Head Gasket

    The head gasket on my gs1000 is leaking oil is it a job that a novice bike mechanic such as myself could tackle or is it best left to a skilled mechanic ?I would like to have a go myself but im bothered I would muck it up especialy regarding the setting up timing element of the work 8O .
    Also how long is it safe to use the bike with oil leaking out the gasket ?
    Thanks alot Trev

    When the head gasket on my 550 started to leak I found that just several of the bolts had rattled loose, and that fixed the problem.


      Get a manual and take your time. Nothing is all that tricky, you just need to do it by the book. It also helps to have a digital camera, so you can take pictures of how it looked before you started. The only 'special' tool you'll need is a torque wrench.


        I agree its not the hardest job but it itakes time as there is cleaning to be done and to do it right you need to do a good job.I think also if you have a high milage motor or one thats not that healthy once you start moving things around other things may leak (example cylinder base gasket for one) for me i would hate to change the head gasket and find i need to take it all apart again !!!


          Yes, I'd start by checking the head bolts are tightened to the correct torque, following the correct tightening sequence. For the correct torque figures and tightening sequence consult a manual... although I'm sure there are plenty of people in this Forum who will be able to tell you all that stuff at a pinch. Like me... my old GS1000 manual is out in the garage somewhere.

          But I would take the opporunity to buy your own manual. Advantages of this are: (i) great reading when parked on the toilet; (ii) you realise that fixing stuff isn't that hard at all.

          But as the gentlemen have already wisely suggested, take your time, keep everything clean and in order (seperate containers for groups of components is a big help).

          Have fun,


            clean off the motor, retorq all the head bolts. with motor dry use some babypower to dust around the head. drive a few miles check for leak. remove the end caps so you can see the 1/2 moon rubber stoper on the end of the heads. 1000's tend to leak around there.

            the power will help you spot the leak. there are a few spots that will look like a head gasket leak.

            tack cable has a insert that will leak slowly when the bike is running. it will drip and spray around the head gasket.

            the 1/2 moon seals on the head will weep oil. iti will build up under the cap and blow acrost the top of the motor and down acrost the head.

            cam chain tensher will weep acrost the back of the motor. looks realy nasty but easy to fix.


              Thanks for the help everybody ive got a haynes manual sorted from ebay and im going to invest in a torque wrench as well and give them bolts a check .

