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piston ring position on GS850G '79

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    piston ring position on GS850G '79

    Just stripped down the engine to fit new gaskets,base,head and cam,finally got the head re-skimmed so its ready for the re-build,need to know if there is a set way the piston ring gaps have to be facing,please help as its getting a little warmer in the UK (makes a change!) and I need to get the old gal out 8) Thanks in advance

    The manual for my '78 750 says to locate them as follows. I don't know if this applies to your 850.

    Looking down on the piston, while facing forward, from a line running straight across the top of the piston from back to front,

    the top ring gap is on the back left, 45 degrees from the line

    the 2nd ring gap is on the back right, 45 degrees from the line

    one side rail gap goes on the front left, 45 degrees from the line (opposite from the 2nd ring gap)

    the other side rail gap goes on the front right, 45 degrees from the line (opposite from the top ring gap)

    the spacer gap goes straight ahead, right on the line.

    Hope that makes sense, if not I can send you a scan of the pic in the manual.


      Thanks for that Paul

      I would appreciate a pic of the set up,if thats ok? I would have thought the 750 is the same set up as the 850,(?)

      Thanks again


        Here it is-


          You can use that diagram for any of the GS engines


            The main principle is that whichever way the ring gaps face, they are not directly over each other (when looking down on the piston crown) but at opposite sides.

            But this is more a matter for initial assembly; over time, the rings will slowly rotate around the piston crown of their own accord, so from time to time you may end up with a ring gap located over another gap. It's not really a big deal but it's always nice to get things off to the best possible start.

            I've got a diagramme/ explanation from a Wiseco kit I installed at

            ... some useful extra info. to be found on that (eg. making sure your ring end gaps are set correctly, and that the ends of your oil ring expanders are correctly butted).


