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starter clicky

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    starter clicky

    OK guys,
    Now when I start my 1100 it sounds like the starter is missing (clickity clickity) I stop try again and no problem. Bad starter? Can it be adjusted? I looked on line they run $300 plus. Not happy. :x

    Does it try to turn the engine over at all? I had something like that once and it was my petcock leaking, it would put gas in the cylinder and it wouldn't crank, just click, then when the preassure relieved enough for the starter to overcome it, it would work fine. This is not a good situation, you need to make sure you don't have gas in your oil, and need to be careful or you'll break something.

    If the starter doesn't do anything, your relay may be at fault. You can jump the terminals on the relay to check that.


      These starters use bruses so it could be your bruses getting worn out. You can take it to a starter rebuild place and have them rebuild it a lot cheaper then $300. Or if you feel adventurous you can replace the brushes your self. The brush plates or just bruses ( I would recomend the whole plate) can be purchased here for about $35 just make sure you clean up the comuter on the armature with some fine emory cloth when you do it.


        Dennis Kirk has a set of brushes for that motor for $18.99. I'm so cheap that I replace mine with $1 brushes that I have to modify and rig up. They don't last long either, but what do I care since it only takes me 20 minutes to remove the starter, rebrush it, and reinstall it.

