I'm a newby to the GS's, not bikes.
I recently bought an 80' GS850 G, with 15k on it. It had been sitting under a tree for 6 months or so, after a mild wreck. I'm making a steet fighter out of it.
Got it home, charged the battery, threw some gas in it, started up like a champ. Wouldn't rev up unless the choke was on. Figured it was the main jets. Took carberators off, COMPLETELY tore them down and cleaned them. Drilled out the air/fuel plugs. They are set at 1.5 turns out. Carbs weren't dirty at all. Bike still runs the same. Runs the same with and without the airbox on. Intake boots don't seem to be cracked. Good spark on all plugs. Pops a little in airbox, on one side, inconsistantly. Here's what gets me.......
If I hold the throttle WIDE open, it will, very slowly, gain RPMS and rap all the way out. Is there anything else it could be? Just want to get some opinions, before I spend $100 on boots that I can't wear......
I'm assuming that with the throttle WO, that it finally gets enough fuel to add with the extra air coming in through a bad boot or o-ring, to run smoothly......
Will the Accel coils work with my stock ignition? What ignition is on the 1980 GS850 G (I'm waiting on my Clymer's to get here)?
What's the widest tire that will fit on the shaft drive? Mine has a 120, looks like the max would probably be 150.?.?.?.?
Thanks in advance guys,