So on to the problem. Around 6-7k RPMs, there is a hesitation while accelerating, which goes away a little after 7k. Because of how loud my pipe is, the only time I am up at this rpm is during hardish and really hard acceleration, so I'm at 3/4 throttle or more when the problem occurs. I haven't checked, but I'm pretty sure it would rev through the range without the hesitation if I were using less thottle, but like I said, it's real loud, so theres no reason to have it up there in RPMs if I'm not accelerating real hard. It does however rev through the entire rev range while in neutral just fine.
The tweaking I've done so far is with the air/fuel mixture screws which are about 3.5 turns out. turning them in seemed to help a little, but not much. I increased the needles from notch 2 to notch 3 a while ago, and it really helped the response throughout the entire rev range. If my memory serves me correctly, this problem occured after I did the valve job, which helped the hard starting problem I was having, but then gave me this problem.
I'm sorry to be so long winded, however I wanted to give an accurate and complete history so you experts could give the best advice. Thanks in advance guys. I sent a few PM's to Keith after I read about him helping out another guy with a similar problem, and now I'm taking his advice to get others involved.