Man, I just finished sweating, cursing, wrestling my carbs back onto the bike, said a quick prayer, primed it and OH MY GOD!!!!!! It started!!!!! AND IDLED!!! Not perfect but, I am a major novice and did not expect to see this bike run again without professional intervention. Took it for a quick spin and noticed the rear brake was sticking HARD. Back to the shop and out with the Haynes AGAIN. Thought I would start by bleeding the rear break system. but, could not get ANY fluid to come out of the bleed valve (even all the way open.) I first loosened the banjo bolt at the caliper end and that freed the caliper and the rear wheel would spin by hand. But when I tightened the bolt back up, it froze the caliper again.
Called a local Suzy shop and they said to look at the plunger. I pulled the rubber boot back and RUST, DUST, CRAP galore. The reservoir is full (I was anticipating bleeding a lot of fluid through since this had not been done in a year or more), I loosened the banjo bolt at the front (plunger side) of the system and could not get any fluid to come out of that end of the hose.
Questions: does this indicate that I need to replace the plunger unit? What would an expert suspect/check first? This bike sat all winter and most of the spring and I don't know when the brake system was last worked on................bought it last March and rode it only about 400 miles before I pulled to carbs to see it I could work on them and make it run better.
Can anyone advise where to start and if the plunger must be repaired or replaced, where to get part(s)?